

英 [ˈeərɪŋ]

美 [ˈerɪŋ]

n.  (意见等的)公开发表,公开讨论; 晾; 晾晒; 透风
v.  晾; 晾干; (使)通风,透风; 公开发表

现在分词:airing 复数:airings 


BNC.14906 / COCA.15415



    • (意见等的)公开发表,公开讨论
      the expression or discussion of opinions in front of a group of people
      1. an opportunity to give your views an airing
      2. The subject got a thorough airing in the British press.
    • 晾;晾晒;透风
      the act of allowing warm air to make clothes, beds, etc. fresh and dry


      • N-UNCOUNT 空气;大气
        Airis the mixture of gases which forms the earth's atmosphere and which we breathe.
        1. Draughts help to circulate air...
        2. Keith opened the window and leaned out into the cold air.
        3. ...water and air pollutants.
      • N-SING 天空;空中;空间
        The airis the space around things or above the ground.
        1. Government troops broke up the protest by firing their guns in the air...
        2. People's cigarette smoke seemed to hang in the air.
      • N-UNCOUNT 空运;航空
        Airis used to refer to travel in aircraft.
        1. Air travel will continue to grow at about 6% per year...
        2. Casualties had to be brought to hospital by air.
      • (简单易记的)曲调,旋律
        Anairis a simple tune which can be easily recognized and remembered.
        1. N-SING 神态;感觉;总体印象;氛围
          If you say that someone or something has a particularair, you mean that they give this general impression.
          1. Jennifer regarded him with an air of amusement...
          2. The meal gave the occasion an almost festive air.
        2. N-PLURAL 矫揉造作;装腔作势;做作
          If you say that someone is putting onairsor giving themselvesairs, you are criticizing them for behaving as if they are better than other people.
          1. We're poor and we never put on airs.
        3. VERB (通过电视或无线电)播送,播放
          If a broadcasting companyairsa television or radio programme, they show it on television or broadcast it on the radio.
          1. Tonight PBS will air a documentary called 'Democracy In Action'.
        4. VERB 使公开;宣扬
          If youairyour opinions, you make them known to people.
          1. They sat for more than six hours, and both sides agreed they had aired all their differences...
          2. The whole issue was thoroughly aired at the meeting.
        5. VERB 使通风
          If youaira room or building, you let fresh air into it.
          1. One day a week her mother systematically cleaned and aired each room.
        6. VERB 烘干(衣物、被褥)
          If youairclothing or bedding, you put it somewhere warm to make sure that it is completely dry.
          1. When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room.
        7. PHRASE 消除分歧;解决问题
          If you do something toclear the air, you do it in order to resolve any problems or disagreements that there might be.
          1. ...an inquiry just to clear the air and settle the facts of the case.
        8. PHRASE 大模大样;摆架子;装腔作势
          If you refer to someone'sairs and graces, you mean that they behave in a way that shows that they think they are more important than other people.
          1. The old cliché of the customer being always right is what gives them airs and graces.
        9. PHRASE 可感觉到;可被意识到
          If something isin the airit is felt to be present, but it is not talked about.
          1. There was great excitement in the air...
          2. She walked away and left the question hanging in the air.
        10. PHRASE 播送(广播、电视节目);(广播、电视节目)播放/停止播放
          If someone ison the air, they are broadcasting on radio or television. If a programme ison the air, it is being broadcast on radio or television. If it isoff the air, it is not being broadcast.
          1. She is going on the air as presenter of a new show...
          2. Rockwell hopes the program can be on the air within a year...
          3. This message did not reach me until after the programme went off the air.
        11. PHRASE (消失得)无影无踪/突然神秘地(出现)
          If someone or something disappearsinto thin air, they disappear completely. If someone or something appearsout of thin air, they appear suddenly and mysteriously.
          1. 'But where could they have gone?' he demanded. 'They can't just vanish into thin air!'...
          2. He had materialized out of thin air; I had not seen or heard him coming.
        12. PHRASE 悬而未决;未决定
          If you say that a decision or a situation isup in the air, you mean that it has not yet been completely settled or planned.
          1. He told reporters today that the president's trip to Moscow is up in the air.
        13. PHRASE 非常高兴;兴高采烈
          If you say that you arewalking on airorfloating on air, you mean that you feel extremely happy about something.
          1. As soon as I know I'm in the team it's like I'm walking on air.



        • the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air
          1. a short excursion (a walk or ride) in the open air
            1. he took the dogs for an airing
          2. the opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate
              Synonym:disseminationpublic exposurespreading


            • Surprisingly, the documentary became popular immediately after airing, and has made viewers go beyond thinking about delicacies.
            • The company is airing television advertisements in key markets such as the US and China throughout the two-week contest.
            • Such supervision is political supervision exercised through exchanging views and airing criticisms and suggestions.
            • Someone was airing a quilt on the opposite roof, too.
            • The third season of Vikings is nearly ready for airing.
            • I love sunshine for airing my quilt, yet have to avoid it myself.
            • People just try to get sympathy by airing their dirty linen in public.
            • She also lets us eavesdrop on other Indians commenting on China and on Chinese airing their views on India.
            • Uncle Wang Ran on, airing his views about the cases.
            • Your suit is airing on the line.