美 [ˈɛrˌmɛn]
n. (英国尤指军阶比军官低的)空军人员; (美国空军军阶最低的)空军士兵
- N-COUNT 飞行员;(尤指)空军士兵
Anairmanis a man who flies aircraft, especially one who serves in his country's air force.- English airman.
- English airman.
- At the same time, everything was done to guide our airmen and deceive the foe.
与此同时,又作出一切努力,来引导我们的飞行员和迷惑敌人。 - Gunman, a citizen of Kosovo, opened fire on a bus of the airmen.
持枪歹徒是科索沃市民,是他朝载着飞行员的飞机开的枪。 - I am simply pointing out that if we as a nation avoid coming to terms with events like these, the airmen who drop the bombs have a much harder time coming to terms with them as individuals.
我只是想指出如果我们作为一个国家对于此类事件不能正视和接受,那么投下炸弹的空军作为个人将在正视和接受的过程中更加挣扎。 - She had something going on with one of the airmen.
她和空军中的人有一腿。 - Today's soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen make up the finest fighting force in the history of the world.
今天的陆军士兵,海军士兵,飞行员,陆战队员以及海岸警卫队员组成了这个世界上最为优秀的战斗力量。 - More than four thousand soldiers, sailors and airmen paraded down the Champs Elysee
逾4,000名陆、海、空三军将士在香榭丽舍大街游行。 - Stating his desire to ease the burden reduced staffing has created for some Airmen and their families, Secretary Gates told Airmen at Langley Air Force Base, Va.
陈述他的欲望缓和负担减少的给雇用职员为有些空军创造了,并且他们的家庭,Gates秘书告诉了空军在Langley空军基地,VA。 - Outlaw certain addictive drugs The casino was declared off limits to the airmen at the base.
宣布某些致瘾药物为禁品.娱乐场被宣布禁止基地飞行人员入内。 - And while none of the aircraft have yet to see combat, the Airmen who fly them know their aircraft is already a force multiplier.
虽然还没有无人飞机观察到战斗,但是驾驶它们的飞行员已经知道他们的飞机是一个“力量倍增器”。 - Edward Robinson, entertaining American airmen at one base, had an awkward moment.