网络 绮丽版; 贝瑞妮丝
- Some sports which seems dangerous and adventurous demand lots of courage such as bungee jump. regretful, last time I gave it up due to shortage of braveness.
一些看起来危险并有冒险性的体育运动如:?级要求很有勇气。上一次就因为缺少勇气我放弃了。 - Julien, you always have the braveness expcept the idea.
朱利安,你总是有勇气没头脑。 - The police officers complimented him on his braveness.
警官们称赞他的勇敢。 - When facing wars, politicians should have resourcefulness, humanity and braveness.
《国语》认为,为政者在面对战争时,除了稳定的国内外环境外,还应该具备智谋、仁义和勇敢精神。 - We are still proud of your braveness!
我们仍然为你的勇敢而自豪! - The doctor said that he was surprised by her braveness during and after the surgery.
医生表示,他被她手术时和手术后的勇敢震惊了。 - The consumers with stylish and material life style will pay more attention to the brand personality dimensions of cool, elegance and braveness.
时尚导向型和物质主义型的消费者比较关注品牌个性维度中的酷、雅、勇; - However, his braveness could no longer save the power plant from fate of explosion.
他的悲壮已经不能挽救电站爆炸的命运。 - The purity of her personality, the braveness of her character, and the loyalty to life and love, flow together a ray of light, shine into the darkness of ignorance and cruelty.
她人格的纯真,她性格的勇敢和坚强,还有她对于生活和爱情的忠诚,汇成一线光明,照进那个无知和残忍年代的黑暗。 - When touching the piano, I can tell, the braveness I had lost at one time comes back to me gradually.