英 [ɪə(r)]
美 [ɪr]
n. 耳; 耳朵; 有…耳朵的; 耳朵…的; 灵敏的听力; 辨音力
Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.1599 / COCA.1337
- be all ears
- 全神贯注地听;聚精会神地听
to be waiting with interest to hear what sb has to say - ‘Do you know what he said?’ ‘Go on─I'm all ears.’
“你知道他说什么了吗?”“讲吧——我洗耳恭听。” be out on your ear - 被迫离开(工作岗位等);被撵出去
to be forced to leave (a job, etc.) be up to your ears in sth - 深陷于;埋头于;忙于
to have a lot of sth to deal with - We're up to our ears in work.
我们工作忙得不可开交。 sth comes to/reaches sb's ears - 传到…的耳朵里
somebody hears about sth, especially when other people already know about it - News of his affair eventually reached her ears.
他的绯闻终于传到她耳朵里。 sb's ears are burning - (感到有人议论,尤指说闲话而)耳朵发热
a person thinks that other people are talking about them, especially in an unkind way - ‘I bumped into your ex-wife last night.’ ‘I thought I could feel my ears burning!’
“我昨天晚上偶然遇到你的前妻。”“怪不得我好像觉得耳朵发热呢!” sb's ears are flapping - 某人正竖着耳朵听
a person is trying to listen to sb else's conversation go in one ear and out the other - 一只耳朵进另一只耳朵出;当作耳边风
to be forgotten quickly - Everything I tell them just goes in one ear and out the other.
我无论对他们说什么都只被当作耳边风。 have sth coming out of your ears - 有的是某物(形容大量拥有,甚至超过所需)
to have a lot of sth, especially more than you need have sb's earhave the ear of sb - 在某人那里说得上话;使某人听得进去
to be able to give sb advice, influence them, etc. because they trust you - He had the ear of the monarch.
他在君主那里说得上话。 keep/have your ear to the ground - 注意看动向;掌握最新发展情况
to make sure that you always find out about the most recent developments in a particular situation play (sth) by ear - 凭记忆演奏;不看乐谱弹奏
to play music by remembering how it sounds rather than by reading it play it by ear - 见机行事;随机应变;根据情况需要行动
to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops rather than by having a plan to follow - I don't know what they'll want when they arrive─we'll have to play it by ear.
我不知道他们到达时需要什么——我们只有见机行事了。 shut/close your ears to sth - (对…)充耳不闻,置之不理
to refuse to listen to sth - She decided to shut her ears to all the rumours.
她拿定主意对所有的谣言置之不理。 smile/grin/beam from ear to ear - 眉开眼笑;笑得合不拢嘴
to be smiling, etc. a lot because you are very pleased about sth with half an ear - 心不在焉地听
without giving your full attention to what is being said, etc. not believe your ears/eyes - 不相信自己的耳朵(或眼睛);对所闻(或所见)非常吃惊
to be very surprised at sth you hear/see - I couldn't believe my eyes when she walked in.
她走进来时我简直不相信自己的眼睛。 bend sb's ear (about sth) - 向某人唠叨诉说(尤指自己的难处)
to talk to sb a lot about sth, especially about a problem that you have give sb a box on the ears - 打某人耳光
to hit sb with your hand on the side of their head as a punishment box sb's ears - 打某人耳光
to hit sb with your hand on the side of their head as a punishment cock an ear/eye at sth/sb - 侧耳倾听;凝神细看
to look at or listen to sb/sth carefully and with a lot of attention fall on deaf ears - 不被理睬;不被注意;被置若罔闻
to be ignored or not noticed by other people - Her advice fell on deaf ears.
她的忠告没有受到重视。 easy on the ear/eye - 好听 / 好看的;悦耳 / 悦目的
pleasant to listen to or look at feel your ears burning - 觉得耳朵在发烧(认为或猜测别人在说自己)
to think or imagine that other people are talking about you with a flea in your ear - 以气愤的言语,以责难(把人轰走)
if sb sends a person away with a flea in their ear , they tell them angrily to go away lend an ear (to sb/sth) - 聆听;倾听
to listen in a patient and sympathetic way to sb music to your ears - 好消息;令人满意的信息
news or information that you are very pleased to hear keep your ears/eyes open (for sth) - (对…)保持警觉;注意;留心
to be quick to notice or hear things make a pig's ear (out) of sth - 把事情办砸;弄得一团糟
to do sth badly; to make a mess of sth prick (up) your earsprick (up) your earsring in your ears/head - 在耳边回响
to make you feel that you can still hear sth - His warning was still ringing in my ears.
他的警告依然在我耳边回响。 make a silk purse out of a sow's ear - 用劣材制精品;化腐朽为神奇
to succeed in making sth good out of material that does not seem very good at all give sb/get a thick ear - 打耳光;挨耳光
to hit sb/be hit on the head as a punishment walls have ears - 隔墙有耳
used to warn people to be careful what they say because other people may be listening (still) wet behind the ears - 乳臭未干;少不更事;没见过世面
young and without much experience have a word in sb's ear - 和…说私话;与…密谈
to speak to sb privately about sth
- 耳;耳朵
either of the organs on the sides of the head that you hear with- an ear infection
耳朵感染 - the inner/outer ear
内 / 外耳 - She whispered something in his ear.
她对他耳语了几句。 - He put his hands over his ears.
他用双手捂住耳朵。 - She's had her ears pierced.
她扎了耳朵眼儿。 - The elephant flapped its ears.
大象拍打着双耳。 - He was always there with a sympathetic ear (= a willingness to listen to people) .
- an ear infection
- 有…耳朵的;耳朵…的
having the type of ears mentioned- a long-eared owl
- a long-eared owl
- 灵敏的听力;辨音力
an ability to recognize and copy sounds well- You need a good ear to master the piano.
- You need a good ear to master the piano.
- (谷类植物的)穗
the top part of a grain plant, such as wheat , that contains the seeds- ears of corn
- ears of corn
- N-COUNT 耳;耳朵
Yourearsare the two parts of your body, one on each side of your head, with which you hear sounds.- He whispered something in her ear...
他在她耳边低声说了些什么。 - I'm having my ears pierced.
- He whispered something in her ear...
- N-SING 辨音力;灵敏的听力
If you havean ear formusic or language, you are able to hear its sounds accurately and to interpret them or reproduce them well.- Moby certainly has a fine ear for a tune...
莫比无疑具有很好的乐感。 - An ear for foreign languages is advantageous.
- Moby certainly has a fine ear for a tune...
- N-COUNT 倾听
Earis often used to refer to people's willingness to listen to what someone is saying.- What would cause the masses to give him a far more sympathetic ear?...
怎样才能使民众以更加体谅的心态倾听他的话呢? - They had shut their eyes and ears to everything.
- What would cause the masses to give him a far more sympathetic ear?...
- (谷类作物的)穗
Theearsof a cereal plant such as wheat or barley are the parts at the top of the stem, which contain the seeds or grains. - . 洗耳恭听;全神贯注地听
If someone says that they areall ears, they mean that they are ready and eager to listen - PHRASE (尤指让人恼火地)缠住…喋喋不休
If you say that someoneis bendingyourearabout something, you mean that they keep talking to you about it because they think it is important; used especially when you are irritated by this.- He was fed up with people bending his ear about staying on at school.
- He was fed up with people bending his ear about staying on at school.
- (作为惩戒)打(孩子)的一侧头
If someoneboxesa child'sears, they hit them on the side of their head as a punishment. - PHRASE (要求)未被理睬,不被听取/(某人对要求)不予理睬,充耳不闻
If a requestfalls on deaf earsor if the person to whom the request is madeturns a deaf ear toit, they take no notice of it.- I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears...
我希望我们的呼吁不会没人理睬。 - He has turned a resolutely deaf ear to American demands for action.
- I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears...
- PHRASE 关注事态;注意动向
If youkeeporhaveyourear to the ground, you make sure that you find out about the things that people are doing or saying.- Jobs in manufacturing are relatively scarce but I keep my ear to the ground.
- Jobs in manufacturing are relatively scarce but I keep my ear to the ground.
- 心不在焉;似听非听
If you listen to something or someonewith only half an ear, you do not give your full attention to what is being said. - PHRASE (认真而同情地)倾听
If youlend an earto someone or their problems, you listen to them carefully and sympathetically.- They are always willing to lend an ear and offer what advice they can.
- They are always willing to lend an ear and offer what advice they can.
- PHRASE 左耳进,右耳出;听过即忘
If you say that something goesin one ear and out the other, you mean that someone pays no attention to it, or forgets about it immediately.- That rubbish goes in one ear and out the other.
- That rubbish goes in one ear and out the other.
- PHRASE 突然被解雇;突然被赶走
If someone says that you will beout onyourear, they mean that you will be forced to leave a job, an organization or a place suddenly.- We never objected. We'd have been out on our ears looking for another job if we had.
- We never objected. We'd have been out on our ears looking for another job if we had.
- PHRASE (不看乐谱而)凭记忆演奏(乐曲)
If youplay by earorplaya piece of musicby ear, you play music by relying on your memory rather than by reading printed music.- Neil played, by ear, the music he'd heard his older sister practicing.
- Neil played, by ear, the music he'd heard his older sister practicing.
- 见机行事;随机应变
If youplay it by ear, you decide what to say or do in a situation by responding to events rather than by following a plan which you have decided on in advance. - PHRASE 深陷于;深深卷入;埋头于
If you areup toyourears insomething, it is taking up all of your time, attention, or resources.- 'Why don't you come with me?' — 'I can't. I'm up to my ears in reports.'...
“怎么不跟我一起来呀?”——“不行,我忙着写报告呢。” - He was desperate. He was in debt up to his ears.
- 'Why don't you come with me?' — 'I can't. I'm up to my ears in reports.'...
- tomake a pig's ear of→ see:pig
- the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium
- the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear
- good hearing
- he had a keen ear
- a good ear for pitch
- attention to what is said
- he tried to get her ear
- fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn
- He was fed up with people bending his ear about staying on at school.
人们一个劲儿地跟他说要继续留在学校念书,这让他烦透了。 - The sorghum is in the ear.
高粱抽穗了。 - She sat on Rossi's knee as he whispered in her ear
她坐在罗西的膝盖上,听他低声耳语。 - He was desperate. He was in debt up to his ears.
他负债累累,走投无路。 - An ear for foreign languages is advantageous.
能够听懂外语是种优势。 - In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist
你的孩子将首先由耳鼻喉专科医生来诊察。 - I didn't expect him to turn a deaf ear to his comrades 'criticism.
我没料想到他对同志们的批评竟充耳不闻。 - I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears
我希望我们的呼吁不会没人理睬。 - Hearing can be affected by ear wax blocking the ear canal.
耳垢堵塞耳道可能会影响听力。 - Her lips were close to his head and her breath tickled his ear