

英 [ˈfɪɡəɪŋ]

美 [ˈfɪɡjərɪŋ]

v.  是重要部分; 是…的部分; 认为,认定(某事将发生或属实); 计算(数量或成本)



  • N-COUNT 数字;(尤指)统计数字
    Afigureis a particular amount expressed as a number, especially a statistic.
    1. It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven't got a job...
    2. It will not be long before the inflation figure starts to fall...
    3. New Government figures predict that one in two marriages will end in divorce.
  • (0 到 9 的)数字符号,数目字
    Afigureis any of the ten written symbols from 0 to 9 that are used to represent a number.
    1. N-PLURAL 位数
      An amount or number that is in singlefiguresis between zero and nine. An amount or number that is in doublefiguresis between ten and ninety-nine. You can also say, for example, that an amount or number is in threefigureswhen it is between one hundred and nine hundred and ninety-nine.
      1. Inflation, which has usually been in single figures, is running at more than 12%...
        通常保持在个位数的通货膨胀率现在已超过了 12%。
      2. Crawley, with 14, was the only other player to reach double figures...
        克劳利拿到 14 分,是仅有的另外一个得分达两位数的球员。
      3. The thermometer nudged three figures yesterday in Rome.
    2. N-COUNT 人影;身影
      You refer to someone that you can see as afigurewhen you cannot see them clearly or when you are describing them.
      1. Alistair saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair...
      2. She waited, standing on the bridge, until his figure vanished against the grey backdrop of the Palace...
      3. A figure in a blue dress appeared in the doorway.
    3. N-COUNT (绘画作品中的)人物;雕像;塑像
      In art, afigureis a person in a drawing or a painting, or a statue of a person.
      1. ...a life-size bronze figure of a brooding, hooded woman.
    4. N-COUNT 体形;身材
      Yourfigureis the shape of your body.
      1. Take pride in your health and your figure...
      2. Janet was a natural blonde with a good figure.
    5. N-COUNT 知名人士;重要人物
      Someone who is referred to as afigureof a particular kind is a person who is well-known and important in some way.
      1. The movement is supported by key figures in the three main political parties.
    6. N-COUNT (某种)人物,形象
      If you say that someone is, for example, a motherfigureor a herofigure, you mean that other people regard them as the type of person stated or suggested.
      1. Sometimes young lads just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and reassurance.
      2. Daniel Boone, the great hero figure of the frontier...
      3. Local police chiefs should re-emerge as figures of authority and reassurance in their areas.
    7. N-COUNT (书、杂志等中的)图,表
      In books and magazines, the diagrams which help to show or explain information are referred to asfigures.
      1. If you look at a world map (see Figure 1) you can identify the major wine-producing regions...
      2. Figure 1.15 shows which provinces lost populations between 1910 and 1920.
        表 1.15 显示出哪些省份在 1910 至 1920 年间人口减少了。
    8. N-COUNT (尤指规则的几何)图形
      In geometry, afigureis a shape, especially a regular shape.
      1. Draw a pentagon, a regular five-sided figure.
    9. VERB 认为;猜想;估计
      If youfigurethat something is the case, you think or guess that it is the case.
      1. She figured that both she and Ned had learned a lot from the experience.
    10. VERB 不奇怪;很正常;合乎情理
      If you say 'That figures' or 'It figures', you mean that the fact referred to is not surprising.
      1. When I finished, he said, 'Yeah. That figures'...
      2. Work it out and you'll find it figures.
    11. VERB 出现,包括(在…中)
      If a person or thingfiguresinsomething, they appear in or are included in it.
      1. Human rights violations figured prominently in the report.
    12. PHRASE 显出…的样子;显得
      If you say that someonecuts aparticularfigure, you mean that they appear to other people in the way described.
      1. Today she cuts a lonely figure.
    13. PHRASE 小丑;可笑的人
      If you describe someone as afigure of fun, you mean that people think they are ridiculous.
      1. The man has become an unlikely figure of fun.
    14. PHRASE 保持/失去苗条的身材
      If youkeep your figure, you stay thin. If youlose your figure, you become rather fat.
      1. You'll lose your girlish figure if you don't watch out.
    15. PHRASE 说出…的确切数量(或数目)
      When youput a figure onan amount, you say exactly how much it is.
      1. No one will put a figure on the final cost of this reconstruction.
    16. PHRASAL VERB 预料;料想
      If youfigure onsomething, you plan that it will happen or assume that it will happen when making your plans.
      1. Jack worked as hard as he could to build his business, but he hadn't figured on a few obstacles.
    17. PHRASAL VERB 想出;理解;弄清
      If youfigure outa solution to a problem or the reason for something, you succeed in solving it or understanding it.
      1. It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment...
      2. They're trying to figure out the politics of this whole situation...
      3. I don't have to be a detective to figure that out.
    18. PHRASAL VERB 算出…的总和
      If youfigure upa cost or amount, you add numbers together to get the total.
      1. He figured up the balance in their checking account.




    • As to analyzing the data, I am figuring on your support.
    • Instead, I'll spend my time figuring out how I want to find objects and handle relationships.
    • We're focusing on figuring out the cause of your problems.
    • The hardest part is figuring out what problem I'm really trying to solve.
    • Our method of figuring the account is explained in detail below.
    • You should not have to worry about finding your way around and figuring out the university bureaucracy.
    • The architect eliminated the cost of furniture, rugs, and other items, in figuring the cost of the house.
    • In our culture, the ability to reason involves figuring things out.
    • The counterfeiters are slowly figuring out that we are catching their mistakes.
    • By figuring out these things, you will be able to find ways to save and invest more.