

英 [ˈfəʊsaɪ]

n.  中心点(指人或事物); (眼睛或镜头的)焦距,调焦; (光、声等的)焦点,中心点,源


    The spellings focusses, focussing, focussed are also used. The plural of the noun can be either foci or focuses. 亦拼作focusses, focussing, focussed。复数形式可以是 foci 或者 focuses。

  • V-ERG 集中(注意力);关注
    If youfocusona particular topic or if your attentionis focusedonit, you concentrate on it and think about it, discuss it, or deal with it, rather than dealing with other topics.
    1. The research effort has focused on tracing the effects of growing levels of five compounds...
    2. He is currently focusing on assessment and development...
    3. Today he was able to focus his message exclusively on the economy...
    4. Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding the Foreign Secretary.
  • N-COUNT 主题;重点;焦点
    Thefocusof something is the main topic or main thing that it is concerned with.
    1. The UN's role in promoting peace is increasingly the focus of international attention...
    2. The new system is the focus of controversy...
    3. Her children are the main focus of her life.
  • N-COUNT 关注;注意
    Yourfocuson something is the special attention that you pay it.
    1. He said his sudden focus on foreign policy was not motivated by presidential politics...
    2. The report's focus is on how technology affects human life rather than business...
    3. IBM has also shifted its focus from mainframes to personal computers.
      IBM 公司也把重心从特大型机转向了个人电脑。
  • N-UNCOUNT 目的;意图;含义
    If you say that something has afocus, you mean that you can see a purpose in it.
    1. Somehow, though, their latest album has a focus that the others have lacked...
    2. Suddenly all of the bizarre and seemingly isolated examples took on a meaningful focus.
  • V-ERG 注视;使(相机、望远镜等)聚焦;给…调焦
    If youfocusyour eyes or if your eyesfocus, your eyes adjust so that you can clearly see the thing that you want to look at. If youfocusa camera, telescope, or other instrument, you adjust it so that you can see clearly through it.
    1. Kelly couldn't focus his eyes well enough to tell if the figure was male or female...
    2. His eyes slowly began to focus on what looked like a small dark ball...
    3. He found the binoculars and focused them on the boat...
    4. Had she kept the camera focused on the river bank she might have captured a vital scene.
  • N-UNCOUNT 注视;调焦;对焦
    You usefocusto refer to the fact of adjusting your eyes or a camera, telescope, or other instrument, and to the degree to which you can see clearly.
    1. His focus switched to the little white ball...
    2. Together these factors determine the depth of focus...
    3. It has no manual focus facility.
  • VERB 集中(光束);聚焦
    If youfocusrays of light on a particular point, you pass them through a lens or reflect them from a mirror so that they meet at that point.
    1. Magnetic coils focus the electron beams into fine spots.
  • 聚焦点
    Thefocusof a number of rays or lines is the point at which they meet.
    1. PHRASE (图像)清晰;(照相机、望远镜等)对准焦点
      If an image or a camera, telescope, or other instrument isin focus, the edges of what you see are clear and sharp.
      1. Pictures should be in focus, with realistic colours and well composed groups.
    2. PHRASE 受关注;在讨论;(目的和性质)清楚的,明白的
      If something isin focus, it is being discussed or its purpose and nature are clear.
      1. This aggression is the real issue the world should be concerned about. We want to keep that in focus...
      2. These issues were brought into sharp focus by the Gulf crisis.
    3. PHRASE 焦点没对准;脱焦;失焦
      If an image or a camera, telescope, or other instrument isout of focus, the edges of what you see are unclear.
      1. In some of the pictures the subjects are out of focus while the background is sharp.
      2. ...a lot of out-of-focus photographs.
    4. PHRASE 不受关注;(目的和性质)不清晰的
      If something isout of focus, it is not being discussed or its purpose or nature is not clear.
      1. The deficit in the US balance of payments put these considerations out of focus...
      2. The movement towards democracy in Latin America and the foreign debt problems that have plagued it have gone out of focus.


    • Clinical Study of Hyperthermia in Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with Metastatic Foci in Cervical Lymph Nodes
    • Detection of Metastatic Foci in Internal Mammary Nodes and Its Clinical Significance for Patients with Breast Cancer
    • Objective To investigate phenotype of mast cells in rat silicotic foci.
    • Ecological and environmental water requirement has been one of the research foci of eco-hydrology in the world.
    • On sectioning, they contain dilated small cysts, with foci of haemorrhage and necrosis.
    • Foci formation is a measure of anchorage-independent cell growth, one of the characteristics of transformed cells.
    • Localization of epileptogenic foci caused by hippocampal sclerosis using MSI Results Epilepsy focus localization coincidence between MEG guided neuronavigation and ECoG was 100%.
    • The three& terraces management in different enterprises and employees have different foci.
    • In this situation, there are two different foci for how you build your services.
    • Pathologic study revealed a cystic nephroma with foci of primitive, mesenchymal, undifferentiated, embryonal type sarcoma.