英 [hɑːf ˈdʌzn]
美 [hæf ˈdʌzn]
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- denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units
- On our night walkabout underneath the Southern Cross, we saw a half-dozen big gray kangaroos feeding on brush.
当晚,我们头顶着南十字星徒步旅行,看到五、六只大灰袋鼠以树丛为食。 - Ms. Russell is one of as many as a half-dozen people in whom investigators are interested as they seek to determine if the brothers had any help in the bomb attack or the days afterward, the officials said.
官员们说,调查人员试图确定兄弟俩在炸弹袭击事件中或袭击后的几天是否得到了帮助,至多有六个人是调查人员感兴趣的对象,罗素是其中之一。 - Albert: But you committed yourself to the team for the whole year. A half-dozen phones in the operations center went into use immediately.
艾尔伯特:但你已承诺将全年的时间全情投入到跳舞演出中去。顷刻之间,指挥中心的六、七台电话同时投入了工作。 - This past March, just after regulators forced Huawei to unravel its 3leaf acquisition, Plummer met with a half-dozen stern-faced members of a congressional committee focused on national security.
今年3月,就在美国监管部门强行要求华为剥离其对3Leaf公司的收购之后不久,普卢默便拜访了国会委员会中负责国家安全问题的几位“冷脸”委员。 - The U.S.is somewhat less important than it was a half-dozen years ago because of the dramatic growth of Asia.
现在看来继续维持增长的机会则多了一些,因为随着亚洲经济的迅猛增长,美国的重要性比五、六年前有所降低。 - This he purchased, together with a half-dozen ties, and went to the Palmer House.
他买来衬衫,还买了半打领带,然后去帕尔默旅馆。 - The menu sprawls across a half-dozen categories, including raw, roast meat and vegetables.
菜单分为六大类,包括生食、烤肉和蔬菜等。 - And a common artificial respirator of gold reserves among perhaps half-dozen leading countries is the raised rediscount rate.
在发达国家中,为了保住黄金储备,约有六个国家采取了提高再贴现率的人为措施。 - Hemolink is just one of a half-dozen blood substitutes that are nearing the market after decades of research.
“血链”只是经过几十年的研究后即将投放市场的6种血液替代物之一。 - So automotive radios were offered with a newfangled panel consisting of a half-dozen chrome-plated buttons, each of which would twist the tuner to a preset station.