

英 [ˈhɪpə]

美 [ˈhɪpər]

adj.  (衣服、音乐等方面)时髦的,赶时髦的


  • N-COUNT 髋;臀部
    Yourhipsare the two areas at the sides of your body between the tops of your legs and your waist.
    1. Tracey put her hands on her hips and sighed.
  • 髋;髋部(指骨骼)
    You refer to the bones between the tops of your legs and your waist as yourhips.
    1. ADJ-GRADED 新潮的;赶时髦的
      If you say that someone iship, you mean that they are very modern and follow all the latest fashions, for example in clothes and ideas.
      1. ...a hip young character with tight-cropped blond hair and stylish glasses.
    2. 野蔷薇果
      Ahipis arosehip.
      1. (表示欣赏或赞许的呼声)好啊!加油!万岁!
        If a large group of people want to show their appreciation or approval of someone, one of them says 'Hip hip' and they all shout 'hooray'.
        1. PHRASE 鲁莽行事;轻举妄动;信口开河
          If you say that someoneshoots from the hiporfires from the hip, you mean that they react to situations or give their opinion very quickly, without stopping to think.
          1. Judges don't have to shoot from the hip. They have the leisure to think, to decide.


        • But based on the success of Jakks Pacific's Eyeclops and Discovery Kids brands, along with the Planet Earth product, science has become hipper and more fun for kids.
        • Brand experts argue that Levi Strauss, which has been losing market share to hipper rivals such as diesel, is no longer strong enough to command premium prices.
        • The Glowworm hit at full force and embedded her bows solidly into the Hipper.
        • The sleekly designed Maritime Hotel in hip Chelsea sits two blocks north of the even hipper Meatpacking District.
        • It is designed to be a hipper less expensive version of the Prius.
        • To use it, quip feels like the hipper, distant cousin to word.
        • Semi-transparent menu layers, like those seen in the new control center, lend an updated, hipper look.