

英 [ˈhaʊzɪz]

美 [ˈhaʊzɪz]

n.  房屋; 房子; 住宅; 住在一所房子里的人; 全家人; 某种用途的建筑物
v.  给(某人)提供住处; 是(某物)的贮藏处(或安置处); 收藏; 安置


    Pronounced /haʊs/ for the noun and adjective, and /haʊz/ for the verb. The form houses is pronounced /'haʊzɪz/. 名词和形容词读作 /haʊs/,动词读作 /haʊz/。houses 读作/'haʊzɪz/。

  • N-COUNT 房屋;房子;住宅
    Ahouseis a building in which people live, usually the people belonging to one family.
    1. She has moved to a smaller house.
    2. ...her parents' house in Warwickshire.
  • N-SING 住在一幢房子里的人;一家人
    You can refer to all the people who live together in a house asthe house.
    1. If he set his alarm clock for midnight, it would wake the whole house...
    2. So I grew up with that feeling that the man is the head of the house.
  • N-COUNT (用于餐饮场所的名称)餐厅,馆,屋
    Houseis used in the names of types of places where people go to eat and drink.
    1. ...a steak house.
    2. ...an old Salzburg coffee house.
  • N-COUNT (尤用于出版、借贷或服装设计等公司的名称)公司,商行
    Houseis used in the names of types of companies, especially ones which publish books, lend money, or design clothes.
    1. Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses...
    2. Eventually she was fired from her job at a publishing house.
  • N-IN-NAMES (用于办公楼、私宅或豪宅名称)大楼,大厦,大宅
    Houseis sometimes used in the names of office buildings and large private homes or expensive houses.
    1. I was to go to the very top floor of Bush House in Aldwych.
    2. ...Harewood House near Leeds.
  • N-COUNT (英国)上(或下)议院;(美国)众议院
    You can refer to the two main bodies of Britain's parliament and the United States of America's legislature asthe Houseor aHouse.
    1. Some members of the House and Senate worked all day yesterday...
    2. The Republicans have majorities in both Houses.
  • N-SING 全体辩论者;所有辩手
    You can refer to all the people at a debate asthe house.
    1. The club is planning a public debate on 'This house believes that journalism has not gained from the introduction of new technology'.
  • N-COUNT (英国学校中为进行体育竞赛等所划分的)组,社
    In a British school, ahouseis a group of children of different ages who compete against other groups in sports and other activities. Each house usually has a name.
    1. He was a prefect and house captain.
  • N-COUNT 贵族;名门望族;(尤指)王室,王族
    Ahouseis a family which has been or will be important for many generations, especially the family of a king or queen.
    1. ...the Saudi Royal House.
    2. ...the House of Windsor.
  • N-COUNT (剧场、影院或其他娱乐场所的)观众席;全体观众
    Thehouseis the part of a theatre, cinema, or other place of entertainment where the audience sits. You can also refer to the audience at a particular performance as thehouse.
    1. They played in front of a packed house.
  • ADJ (餐馆里的葡萄酒)廉价佐餐的,未列入酒水单的
    A restaurant'shousewine is the cheapest wine it sells, which is not listed by name on the wine list.
    1. Tweed ordered a carafe of the house wine.
    2. ...a bottle of house red or white.
  • VERB 为…提供房屋(或住所)
    Tohousesomeone means to provide a house or flat for them to live in.
    1. Part III of the Housing Act 1985 imposes duties on local authorities to house homeless people...
    2. Regrettably we have to house families in these inadequate flats.
  • VERB 安置;容纳;作为…之用
    A building or container thathousessomething is the place where it is located or from where it operates.
    1. The château itself is open to the public and houses a museum of motorcycles and cars...
    2. Many years later, the temple erected in her name was used to house the Roman mint.
  • VERB (建筑物)供…居住,供…下榻
    If you say that a buildinghousesa number of people, you mean that is the place where they live or where they are staying.
    1. The building will house twelve boys and eight girls...
    2. Their villas housed army officers now.
  • See also:boarding housechapter houseclearing housecouncil housedoll's housefull houseopen houseopera housepublic houseWendy houseWhite House
  • PHRASE (人、表演或演讲)博得全场喝彩,引得哄堂大笑
    If a person or their performance or speechbrings the house down, the audience claps, laughs, or shouts loudly because the performance or speech is very impressive or amusing.
    1. It's really an amazing dance. It just always brings the house down.
  • 很快就打得火热;一见如故;一拍即合
    If two peopleget on like a house on fire, they quickly become close friends, for example because they have many interests in common.
    1. PHRASE (不出去工作而)操持家务,当家
      If youkeep house, you do the cleaning and cooking for your household, and do not go out to work.
      1. He lives with an aunt who keeps house for him.
    2. PHRASE (餐馆或酒吧)免费招待的
      If you are given something in a restaurant or baron the house, you do not have to pay for it.
      1. The owner knew about the engagement and brought them glasses of champagne on the house.
    3. PHRASE 管好自己的事;处理好自身问题
      If someonegetstheirhouse in order,putstheirhouse in order, orsetstheirhouse in order, they arrange their affairs and solve their problems.
      1. Some think Stempel's departure will help the company get its financial house in order...
      2. The challenge for American leadership is this: Can we put our economic house in order?...
      3. Before you lecture me, Mr Abbey, I suggest you set your house in order.


    • The houses were all the same — square, close to the street, needing paint
    • Houses had sprung up out of nowhere on the hills.
    • The bombs ignited a fire which destroyed some 60 houses
    • The timbers of similar houses were painted with pitch.
    • The Republicans have majorities in both Houses.
    • Developers will be hawking cut-price flats and houses.
    • At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed, balconied houses, set among well-tended gardens.
    • In these houses, there are kangs built of stone or brick.
    • Houses must not be more than two storeys high.
    • Shops, houses, and vehicles were set ablaze.