

英 [pɪk]

美 [pɪk]

v.  选择; 挑选; 采; 摘; (用手指)摘掉,剔除,掐去
n.  挑选; 选择; 选中的人(或物); 精品; 精华; 最好的东西

过去式:picked 现在分词:picking 过去分词:picked 第三人称单数:picks 复数:picks 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.664 / COCA.517


pick at
1. 少量地吃;吃一点点  

pick off
1. 逐个瞄准射中  

pick on
1. 跟…找碴;故意刁难  2. 挑中;选中  

pick out
1. 辨认出;分辨出  2. 挑出;选出;拣出  3. (以某种颜色)使显著,使突出  

pick over
1. 仔细检查…以便选出佳品;挑拣  

pick up
1. 拿起;提起;拾起;捡起  2. (跌倒或被击倒后)使(自己)慢慢站起(或爬起)  3. (通常指开车)接载,取走  4. 逮捕;拘捕  5. (不费力地)获得,学会  6. (以发生性关系为目的)与…搭讪  7. 得(病);染上(疾病)  8. 接收到(信号或声音)  9. 发现,找到,识别(特点或模式)  10. 重提,接过(观点或话题)  11. (贸易或经济)好转,改善  12. 指出…的错误;纠正  13. 收拾残局;努力恢复正常  14. 加速  


    pick at sth

    • 磨蹭着吃;(因为不饿而)小口吃
      to eat food slowly, taking small amounts or bites because you are not hungry
      1. Pick a number from one to twenty.
      2. She picked the best cake for herself.
      3. He picked his words carefully.
      4. Have I picked a bad time to talk to you?
      5. He has been picked to play in this week's game.
    • (反复地)揪,扯
      to pull or touch sth several times
      1. to pick grapes
      2. flowers freshly picked from the garden
      3. to go blackberry picking

    pick sb↔off

    • 选择(目标)射击
      to aim carefully at a person, an animal or an aircraft, especially one of a group, and then shoot them

      pick sth↔off

      • 去除;剪除
        to remove sth from sth such as a tree, a plant, etc.
        1. Take your pick (= choose) .
        2. The winner gets first pick of the prizes.

      pick on sb/sth

      • (跟某人)闹别扭;故意刁难挑剔
        to treat sb unfairly, by blaming, criticizing or punishing them
        1. 挑选;选中
          to choose sb/sth

          pick sb/sth↔out

          • 精心挑选
            to choose sb/sth carefully from a group of people or things
            1. 认出来;辨别出
              to recognize sb/sth from among other people or things

              pick sth↔out

              • (不用乐谱)慢慢地弹奏(乐曲)
                to play a tune on a musical instrument slowly without using written music
                1. (经仔细研究)找出,认识到
                  to discover or recognize sth after careful study
                  1. 使显著;使容易看见(或听见)
                    to make sth easy to see or hear

                    pick sth↔over

                      pick through sth

                      • 用心挑选;筛选
                        to examine a group of things carefully, especially to choose the ones you want

                        pick up

                        • 改善;好转;增强
                          to get better, stronger, etc.; to improve
                          1. 重新开始;继续
                            to start again; to continue
                            1. (为某人)收拾,整理
                              to put things away and make things neat, especially for sb else

                              pick up

                                pick sth up

                                • 接电话
                                  to answer a phone

                                  pick sb↔up

                                  • (开车)接人
                                    to go somewhere in your car and collect sb who is waiting for you
                                    1. 让人乘车;搭载
                                      to allow sb to get into your vehicle and take them somewhere
                                      1. (从海里或危险处)营救,搭救
                                        to rescue sb from the sea or from a dangerous place, especially one that is difficult to reach
                                        1. (猥亵地与生人)搭讪,勾搭
                                          to start talking to sb you do not know because you want to have a sexual relationship with them
                                          1. 逮捕;抓捕
                                            to arrest sb
                                            1. 使人觉得舒服;提神
                                              to make sb feel better

                                              pick sb/sth↔up

                                              • 拿起;举起;提起
                                                to take hold of sb/sth and lift them/it up
                                                1. 接收(信号、声音、图像等)
                                                  to receive an electronic signal, sound or picture

                                                  pick sth↔up

                                                  • (偶然)得到,听到,学会
                                                    to get information or a skill by chance rather than by making a deliberate effort
                                                    1. 辨认;识别出
                                                      to identify or recognize sth
                                                      1. 取回;收集
                                                        to collect sth from a place
                                                        1. (碰巧或廉价地)买到
                                                          to buy sth, especially cheaply or by chance
                                                          1. 得;感染;得到
                                                            to get or obtain sth
                                                            1. 找到;跟踪;追寻
                                                              to find and follow a route
                                                              1. 回到(本题);恢复原状
                                                                to return to an earlier subject or situation in order to continue it
                                                                1. 察觉;发现;注意到
                                                                  to notice sth that is not very obvious; to see sth that you are looking for
                                                                  1. 收拾;整理
                                                                    to put things away neatly
                                                                    1. 收拾房间
                                                                      to put things away and make a room neat

                                                                      pick up on sth

                                                                      • 领略;意会;意识到
                                                                        to notice sth and perhaps react to it
                                                                        1. 回到(某问题等);重提(要点等)
                                                                          to return to a point that has already been mentioned or discussed

                                                                          pick sb up on sth

                                                                          • 提到某人的错误;挑毛病;算旧账
                                                                            to mention sth that sb has said or done that you think is wrong

                                                                            pick yourself up

                                                                            • (跌倒后)站起来
                                                                              to stand up again after you have fallen



                                                                                  pick and choose
                                                                                • 挑拣;精挑细选
                                                                                  to choose only those things that you like or want very much
                                                                                • You have to take any job you can get─you can't pick and choose.
                                                                                • pick sb's brains
                                                                                • 讨教;请教;不断地问(以向别人学习)
                                                                                  to ask sb a lot of questions about sth because they know more about the subject than you do
                                                                                • pick a fight/quarrel (with sb)
                                                                                • 找碴儿;找麻烦;挑衅
                                                                                  to deliberately start a fight or an argument with sb
                                                                                • pick holes in sth
                                                                                • 挑刺儿;挑毛病;找漏洞
                                                                                  to find the weak points in sth such as a plan, suggestion, etc.
                                                                                • It was easy to pick holes in his arguments.
                                                                                • pick a lock
                                                                                • (用铁丝等)捅开锁
                                                                                  to open a lock without a key, using sth such as a piece of wire
                                                                                • pick sb's pocket
                                                                                • 扒窃;掏包儿
                                                                                  to steal sth from sb's pocket without them noticing
                                                                                • pick up the bill, tab, etc. (for sth)
                                                                                • 付账
                                                                                  to pay for sth
                                                                                • The company picked up the tab for his hotel room.
                                                                                • The government will continue to pick up college fees for some students.
                                                                                • pick up the pieces
                                                                                • (使)恢复;补救;收拾残局
                                                                                  to return or to help sb return to a normal situation, particularly after a shock or a disaster
                                                                                • You cannot live your children's lives for them; you can only be there to pick up the pieces when things go wrong.
                                                                                • pick up speed
                                                                                • 加速
                                                                                  to go faster
                                                                                • pick up the threads
                                                                                • 恢复原状
                                                                                  to return to an earlier situation or way of life after an interruption
                                                                                • pick your way (across, along, among, over, through sth)
                                                                                • 择路而行;小心看着路行走
                                                                                  to walk carefully, choosing the safest, driest, etc. place to put your feet
                                                                                • She picked her way delicately over the rough ground.
                                                                                • pick a winner
                                                                                • 认定胜利者(如赛马中)
                                                                                  to choose a horse, etc. that you think is most likely to win a race
                                                                                • 挑选得当;选得很准
                                                                                  to make a very good choice
                                                                                • have a bone to pick with sb
                                                                                • 对某人生气,想与之解决;有理由反对(或恼恨)某人
                                                                                  to be angry with sb about sth and want to discuss it with them
                                                                                • pick/pull/tear sb/sth to pieces/shreds
                                                                                • 严厉斥责;痛斥;批评得体无完肤
                                                                                  to criticize sb, or their work or ideas, very severely
                                                                                • pick/pull/tear sb/sth to pieces/shreds
                                                                                • 把某人(或其作品、观点等)批驳得体无完肤
                                                                                  to criticize sb, or their work or ideas, very severely



                                                                                  • 选择;挑选
                                                                                    to choose sb/sth from a group of people or things
                                                                                    1. Pick a number from one to twenty.
                                                                                    2. She picked the best cake for herself.
                                                                                    3. He picked his words carefully.
                                                                                    4. Have I picked a bad time to talk to you?
                                                                                    5. He has been picked to play in this week's game.
                                                                                  • 采;摘
                                                                                    to take flowers, fruit, etc. from the plant or the tree where they are growing
                                                                                    1. to pick grapes
                                                                                    2. flowers freshly picked from the garden
                                                                                    3. to go blackberry picking
                                                                                  • (用手指)摘掉,剔除,掐去
                                                                                    to pull or remove sth or small pieces of sth from sth else, especially with your fingers
                                                                                    1. (用手指)摘掉,剔除,掐去
                                                                                      to pull or remove sth or small pieces of sth from sth else, especially with your fingers


                                                                                      • 挑选;选择
                                                                                        an act of choosing sth
                                                                                        1. Take your pick (= choose) .
                                                                                        2. The winner gets first pick of the prizes.
                                                                                      • 选中的人(或物)
                                                                                        a person or thing that is chosen
                                                                                        1. She was his pick for best actress.
                                                                                      • 精品;精华;最好的东西
                                                                                        the best thing or things in a group
                                                                                        1. 精品;精华;最好的东西
                                                                                          the best thing or things in a group
                                                                                          1. 精品;精华;最好的东西
                                                                                            the best thing or things in a group


                                                                                            • VERB 挑选;选择
                                                                                              If youpicka particular person or thing, you choose that one.
                                                                                              1. Mr Nowell had picked ten people to interview for six sales jobs in London...
                                                                                              2. I had deliberately picked a city with a tropical climate.
                                                                                            • N-SING 精华;精品;精英
                                                                                              You can refer to the best things or people in a particular group asthe pick ofthat group.
                                                                                              1. The boys here are the pick of the under-15 cricketers in the country...
                                                                                              2. We had the pick of suits from the shop.
                                                                                            • VERB 采;摘
                                                                                              When youpickflowers, fruit, or leaves, you break them off the plant or tree and collect them.
                                                                                              1. She used to pick flowers in the Cromwell Road...
                                                                                              2. He helps his mother pick fruit.
                                                                                            • VERB 拿取;挪移
                                                                                              If youpicksomething from a place, you remove it from there with your fingers or your hand.
                                                                                              1. He picked the napkin from his lap and placed it alongside his plate...
                                                                                              2. He picked the telephone off the wall bracket.
                                                                                            • VERB 抠(鼻);剔(牙)
                                                                                              If youpickyournoseorteeth, you remove substances from inside your nose or between your teeth.
                                                                                              1. Edgar, don't pick your nose, dear...
                                                                                              2. He had just had a meal and was picking his teeth after it.
                                                                                            • VERB 寻找…的口实;寻(衅);找(碴儿)
                                                                                              If youpicka fight or quarrelwithsomeone, you deliberately cause one.
                                                                                              1. He picked a fight with a waiter and landed in jail...
                                                                                              2. He was clearly in a mood to pick a quarrel with anybody.
                                                                                            • VERB 撬开(锁);扒窃…中的东西
                                                                                              If someone such as a thiefpicksa lock, they open it without a key, for example by using a piece of wire.
                                                                                              1. He picked each lock deftly, and rifled the papers within each drawer.
                                                                                            • 同 pickaxe
                                                                                              Apickis the same as apickaxe.
                                                                                              1. See also:hand-pickice pick
                                                                                              2. PHRASE 挑挑拣拣;挑三拣四;挑剔
                                                                                                If youpick and choose, you carefully choose only things that you really want and reject the others.
                                                                                                1. As a vocational teacher I could pretty much pick and choose my work...
                                                                                                2. We, the patients, cannot pick and choose our doctors.
                                                                                              3. PHRASE 可从…中任意挑选
                                                                                                If youhaveyourpick ofa group of things, you are able to choose any of them that you want.
                                                                                                1. Here is an actress who could have her pick of any part...
                                                                                                2. Klein could have had his pick of the world's top models.
                                                                                              4. PHRASE 任意挑选
                                                                                                If you are told totakeyourpick, you can choose any one that you like from a group of things.
                                                                                                1. Accountants can take their pick of company cars...
                                                                                                2. Take your pick from ten luxury hotels...
                                                                                                3. See our selection of autumn favourites and take your pick.
                                                                                              5. PHRASE 择路而行;小心行路
                                                                                                If youpickyourwayacross an area, you walk across it very carefully in order to avoid obstacles or dangerous things.
                                                                                                1. The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution...
                                                                                                2. I moved away from the shack and picked my way among the rubble.
                                                                                              6. topicksomeone'sbrains→ see:brain
                                                                                              7. PHRASE 收拾残局;努力恢复正常
                                                                                                When youpick up the piecesafter a disaster, you do what you can to get the situation back to normal again.
                                                                                                1. Do we try and prevent problems or do we try and pick up the pieces afterwards?...
                                                                                                2. She died, and somehow I never picked up the pieces and started again.
                                                                                              8. PHRASE 加速
                                                                                                When a vehiclepicks up speed, it begins to move more quickly.
                                                                                                1. Brian pulled away slowly, but picked up speed.



                                                                                              • the act of choosing or selecting
                                                                                                1. your choice of colors was unfortunate
                                                                                                2. you can take your pick
                                                                                              • a basketball maneuver
                                                                                                1. he was called for setting an illegal pick
                                                                                              • a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends
                                                                                                1. they used picks and sledges to break the rocks
                                                                                              • a thin sharp implement used for removing unwanted material
                                                                                                1. he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks
                                                                                              • a small thin device (of metal or plastic or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument
                                                                                                1. the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving
                                                                                                  1. the person or thing chosen or selected
                                                                                                    1. he was my pick for mayor
                                                                                                  2. the best people or things in a group
                                                                                                    1. the cream of England's young men were killed in the Great War
                                                                                                  3. the quantity of a crop that is harvested
                                                                                                    1. he sent the first picking of berries to the market
                                                                                                    2. it was the biggest peach pick in years


                                                                                                  • remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits
                                                                                                    1. Clean the turkey
                                                                                                  • remove in small bits
                                                                                                    1. pick meat from a bone
                                                                                                  • select carefully from a group
                                                                                                    1. She finally picked her successor
                                                                                                    2. He picked his way carefully
                                                                                                  • harass with constant criticism
                                                                                                    1. Don't always pick on your little brother
                                                                                                    Synonym:blamefind fault
                                                                                                  • eat intermittently
                                                                                                    1. He pieced at the sandwich all morning
                                                                                                    2. She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles
                                                                                                  • hit lightly with a picking motion
                                                                                                    1. look for and gather
                                                                                                      1. pick mushrooms
                                                                                                      2. pick flowers
                                                                                                    2. attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example
                                                                                                      1. Pick open the ice
                                                                                                      Synonym:break up
                                                                                                    3. pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion
                                                                                                      1. he plucked the strings of his mandolin
                                                                                                    4. provoke
                                                                                                      1. pick a fight or a quarrel
                                                                                                    5. pay for something
                                                                                                      1. pick up the tab
                                                                                                      2. pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages
                                                                                                      3. foot the bill
                                                                                                    6. pilfer or rob
                                                                                                      1. pick pockets


                                                                                                    • As a vocational teacher I could pretty much pick and choose my work
                                                                                                    • He picked the telephone off the wall bracket.
                                                                                                    • She used to pick flowers in the Cromwell Road
                                                                                                    • She died, and somehow I never picked up the pieces and started again.
                                                                                                    • He picked a fight with a waiter and landed in jail
                                                                                                    • Here is an actress who could have her pick of any part
                                                                                                    • Don't pick and choose, but take what's given to you.
                                                                                                    • Brian pulled away slowly, but picked up speed.
                                                                                                    • How dare you pick up the phone and listen in on my conversations!
                                                                                                    • He had just had a meal and was picking his teeth after it.