英 [ˈplætɪtjuːdz]
美 [ˈplætɪˌtudz]
n. 陈词滥调; 老生常谈
- N-COUNT 陈词滥调;套话
Aplatitudeis a statement which is considered meaningless and boring because it has been made many times before in similar situations.- Why couldn't he say something original instead of spouting the same old platitudes?
他为什么就不能讲些有新意的话,而不是喋喋不休地说些老生常谈呢? - ...a stream of platitudes, outlining many problems but offering few solutions.
- Why couldn't he say something original instead of spouting the same old platitudes?
- From there we discussed the fact that promoting platitudes and wanton generalities highlights the fact that the movement would seem to have a limited understanding of the real inner workings of Wall Street and its incestuous relationship with Washington.
之后,我们还谈到这场运动的口号都是些陈词滥调,行动也缺乏组织性,显示这场运动似乎对华尔街真正的内在运作及其与华盛顿的裙带关系了解有限。 - Although the television livelihood of the people news is topic of the platitudes, but carries on it with the complete contact theory the thorough analysis, this article is attempts for the first time.
电视民生新闻虽是老生常谈之话题,但将其用完备的交往理论进行深入分析,本文是首次尝试。 - He was mouthing the usual platitudes about the need for more compassion.
他言不由衷地说些需要更加同情之类的老一套话。 - He delivered a long prose full of platitudes.
他发表了一篇充满陈词滥调的文章。 - Those are best done by encouraging a constructive dialogue rather than resorting to platitudes or scoring points.
最好的方法是鼓励建设性的对话,而不要老生常谈。 - Meanwhile, at Deloitte the new chief is oozing platitudes as to the state of the company.
而德勤新任首席执行官透露出的,则是关于公司状况的陈词滥调。 - Culture change does not come from platitudes and slogans, but from creating new success stories that become the norm.
文化的改变不是来自于陈词滥调和口号,而是来自于创建新的成功的故事并变成标准。 - All too often, these promises yield little but generic advice and platitudes.
然而,事实上这些书给出的建议往往只是泛泛之词,或者陈腔滥调。 - We shall have to listen to more platitudes about the dangers of overspending.
我们又得再听一通超支危害的陈词滥调了。 - The real estate is the national economy pillar industry, this is platitudes words, but actually does this pillar industry have the great proportion, since continuously not very accurate digit.