网络 宣传; 宣扬; 公布; 广告
过去分词:publicised 现在分词:publicising 过去式:publicised 第三人称单数:publicises
- make public
- She aired her opinions on welfare
- call attention to
- Please don't advertise the fact that he has AIDS
- It's precisely because very few people know about it that we must publicise it.
惟其知者甚少,故须多加宣传。 - If the US embassy had not decided about four years ago to install a monitoring station on its own roof and publicise hourly readings of fine particle concentrations in the air outside, most Beijing residents would probably still be unaware of the problem.
如果美国大使馆四年前没有在大使馆房顶安装监测站,并且每小时发布空气中细微颗粒物的浓度,北京多数人可能到现在都意识不到这个问题。 - The company added that it was not obliged to disclose the SEC request but it wanted to publicise it because it valued being open with its investors.
该公司补充说,它没有义务披露SEC的要求,但它想要披露,因为它重视对投资者保持公开。 - You're probably wondering why I don't publicise a cellphone number.
您可能会觉得奇怪:为什么我不公布一个手机号码。 - First, by reporting to a registry, enterprises in China can promote and publicise a green image.
首先,通过向注册系统报告,在中国的企业就能够提升和宣传其绿色形象。 - IRD makes use of various means to publicise such rights to taxpayers.
税务局通过不同的途径,向纳税人宣传他们的权利。 - Although it does not function like a fractious parliament in a western democracy, the NPC can act as a forum for delegates to publicise their views, mainly on economic and environmental issues.
尽管中国的全国人大不同于西方国家的议会,但它可以成为代表们发表观点的平台,主要涉及经济和环境问题。 - It was a huge success, even though we hardly had time to publicise it.
这个演唱会取得了巨大的成功,尽管我们并没有在之前大肆宣传。 - He was swift to publicise the potentialities of motoring.
他很善于宣传驾车旅行的潜势。 - A Google Group has been formed to track discussions and publicise the program.