

英 [sweɪz]

美 [sweɪz]

v.  (使)摇摆,摇动; 说服; 使相信; 使动摇


  • VERB 摇晃;摇摆;摆动
    When people or thingssway, they lean or swing slowly from one side to the other.
    1. The people swayed back and forth with arms linked...
    2. The whole boat swayed and tipped.
    3. ...a coastal highway lined with tall, swaying palm trees.
  • VERB 影响;左右
    If youare swayed bysomeone or something, you are influenced by them.
    1. Don't ever be swayed by fashion.
    2. ...last minute efforts by the main political parties to sway the voters in tomorrow's local elections.
  • PHRASE 占统治地位;具有重大影响力
    If someone or somethingholds sway, they have great power or influence over a particular place or activity.
    1. South of the Usk, a completely different approach seems to hold sway...
    2. The 'families' are the basic units, each holding sway over a recognised territory.
  • PHRASE 在…的控制下;在…的支配下;在…的影响下
    If you areunder the sway ofsomeone or something, they have great influence over you.
    1. How mothers keep daughters under their sway is the subject of the next five sections.
      在接下来的 5 节将探讨母亲怎样管教女儿。


  • Using the theory of cultural research, Saul Bellow himself is also "the hanging human", as the same as the characters of his works, he always sways between the American culture and the Jewish culture.
  • If beauty sways interviewers, the beautiful will, by and large, have more successful careers than the ugly& even in careers for which beauty is not a necessary qualification.
  • The truck sways wildly, careening down narrow mountain roads.
  • The popular standard of truth always sways between leftism and rightism in the practice of value since it despises the speciality of subject consciousness, dims the value peculiarity of the truth.
  • I cannot secure my aim, it sways of a natural drunkenness.
  • Through a basic statistical analysis of Shanghai copper contract continuous sequence, the paper finds that the peak thick tail in the returns ratio sequence, which sways from the normal distribution for its lever effect.
  • A machine in an Ikea factory had pre-drilled some holes but had not made them deep enough and so, after much cursing over the screwdriver, I attached the legs so insecurely that the desk sways when touched.
  • So that it sways and carries it across to the next tree.
  • I think such sentiment profoundly sways the career choices people make.
  • You can see this in the class: A mother in pink sweats and a T-shirt holds her baby facing outward in her arms and sways her hips slowly to the rhythm of jingling bells.