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美 [tel teɪl]
网络 泄密的心; 泄密; 信号装置; 登记机; 泄露内情的
- Your child tells you he didn't eat a cookie despite the tell-tale crumbs all over his mouth.
你的孩子对你说他没吃曲奇饼,尽管他的嘴巴边上全是暴露真相的饼干渣。 - Elephant trunk-like dust pillars point towards the hot blue stars and are tell-tale signs of their eroding effect.
指向蓝色热星的象鼻状尘埃柱是辐射侵蚀效果的证据。 - In the capital, Kampala, you see tell-tale signs of a country struggling to keep up.
在首都坎帕拉,你可以看到这个国家在努力前进的童话般迹象。 - Another tell-tale sign of a broken paragraph might be those that begin with followed by a lowercase alphabetic character.
破坏段落的另一个指示可能是,段落以开头,后跟一个小写字母符号。 - We also know that at seven months a fetus is dreaming, its muscles and eye movements giving the tell-tale signs of REM ( or rapid eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep.
我们还知道7个月大小的胎儿也做梦,胎儿的肌肉和眼动能清清楚楚地反映出快速眼动睡眠(REM)和非快速眼动睡眠(non-REM)信号。 - The faces were then analyzed for tell-tale expressions of pain, such as squeezed eyes and a furrowed nose and lip.
然后这些表情被用来分析他们痛苦的情况,比如挤眼睛,犟鼻子或者抿嘴唇。 - And nearly a third ( 29 per cent) of drivers have continued their journey, ignoring the first tell-tale signs of drowsiness.
近三人之一(百分之二十九)的出现这种情况的司机会完全忽视这种嗜睡症所显现出的首个迹象,并且会继续驾驶。 - The root causes of these diseases are not being addressed, and widespread obesity is the tell-tale signal.
这些疾病的根源并未得到处理,肥胖的普及便是能说明问题的标志。 - Tell-tale isotope signatures of what we eat and drink are found throughout our bodies in bones, fingernails and hair.
我们吃吃喝喝中留下了同位素签名的证据在我们的骨骼、手指甲及毛发中被发现。 - Tell-tale signs include reports of activity at a long-range missile site and hints of activity at a nuclear test site.