

英 [θɪŋ]

美 [θɪŋ]

n.  东西; 物; 物件; 物品; 事物; (个人的)用品,衣服; (某种)用具



Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.106 / COCA.97



mattern. 事情,事务
This is a serious matter that you need to concentrate on.
This is a matter for the manager to decide.
affairn. 事件,事情
Who first reported the Watergate affair?
The wedding was a very grand affair.
businessn. 事情,事务
Let's get down to the unfinished business.
My family life is my personal business.
He regarded homework as serious business.
concernn. 事情,关注的事
What is a mother's main concern?
How to control inflation has become a major concern for consumers.
thingn. 事情
That strange thing worried him a lot.
The first thing to do is to improve their working conditions.



      A is one thing, B is anotherit's one thing to do A, it's another thing to do B
    • …是一回事,…是另一回事;…和…截然不同
      B is very different from A, for example it is more difficult, serious or important
    • Romance is one thing, marriage is quite another.
    • It's one thing to tease your sister, but it's another to hit her.
    • all/other things being equal
    • 如果所有条件保持不变;如果其他情况一样
      if the conditions stay the same; if other conditions are the same
    • All things being equal, we should finish the job tomorrow.
    • and things (like that)
    • 等等;之类
      used when you do not want to complete a list
    • She likes nice clothes and things like that.
    • I've been busy shopping and things.
    • be all things to all men/people
    • 使人人高兴;八面玲珑
      to please everyone by changing your attitudes or opinions to suit different people
    • 仁者见仁,智者见智
      to be understood or used in different ways by different people
    • come to/be the same thing
    • 结果相同;意义相同
      to have the same result or meaning
    • be a good thing (that)…
    • 幸运的是;幸亏
      to be lucky that…
    • It's a good thing we got here early.
    • be no bad thing (that)…
    • 并不是坏事;或许是好事
      used to say that although sth seems to be bad, it could have good results
    • We didn't want the press to get hold of the story, but it might be no bad thing.
    • be onto a good thing
    • 找到称心的工作;过上舒心的日子;混得不错
      to have found a job, situation or style of life that is pleasant or easy
    • do things to sb
    • 使某人十分激动;震撼某人
      to have a powerful emotional effect on sb
    • That song just does things to me.
    • do your own thing
    • 做自己想做的事;照自己的意愿行事;独立自主;自行其事
      to do what you want to do or what interests you, without thinking about other people; to be independent
    • first/last thing
    • 一早 / 晚上最后(要做的事)
      early in the morning/late in the evening
    • I need the report on my desk first thing Monday morning.
    • first things first
    • 要事先办
      the most important matters must be dealt with first
    • We have a lot to discuss, but, first things first, let's have a cup of coffee!
    • for one thing
    • (用以引出两个以上的理由之一)一来,一方面
      used to introduce one of two or more reasons for doing sth
    • ‘Why don't you get a car?’ ‘Well, for one thing, I can't drive!’
    • have a thing about sb/sth
    • (莫名其妙地)对…有好感,对…有偏见
      to have a strong like or dislike of sb/sth in a way that seems strange or unreasonable
    • She has a thing about men with beards.
    • it isn't my, his, etc. thing
    • 这不是我(或他等)真正喜欢的东西;并非…所好
      it isn't sth that you really enjoy or are interested in
    • it's a… thing
    • 这是…的事(只有某群体才理解的)
      it is sth that only a particular group understands
    • You wouldn't know what it means─it's a girl thing.
    • know/tell sb a thing or two (about sb/sth)
    • 了解 / 透露有用的(或有趣的、意外的)信息;有所了解 / 披露;见多识广
      to know/tell sb some useful, interesting or surprising information about sb/sth
    • She's been married five times, so she knows a thing or two about men!
    • make a (big) thing of/about sth
    • 小题大做;大惊小怪;故弄玄虚
      to make sth seem more important than it really is
    • not know, etc. the first thing about sth/sb
    • 对…一无所知;对…一窍不通
      to know nothing at all about sth/sb
    • not quite the thing
    • 不太合时宜;不太时兴;不得体
      not considered socially acceptable
    • It wouldn't be quite the thing to turn up in running gear.
    • 身体不舒服;感到不适
      not healthy or normal
    • (just) one of those things
    • 命中注定的事;难免的倒霉事;不可挽回的事
      used to say that you do not want to discuss or think about sth bad or unpleasant that has happened, but just accept it
    • It wasn't your fault. It was just one of those things.
    • one (damned/damn) thing after another
    • (抱怨时用)倒霉事一桩接一桩
      used to complain that a lot of unpleasant things keep happening to you
    • one thing leads to another
    • (暗示事情的发展过程显而易见)一来二去,自然而然
      used to suggest that the way one event or action leads to others is so obvious that it does not need to be stated
    • He offered me a ride home one night, and, well, one thing led to another and now we're married!
    • be seeing/hearing things
    • 产生幻觉
      to imagine that you can see or hear sth that is in fact not there
    • there's only one thing for it
    • 这只有一个办法
      there is only one possible course of action
    • these things are sent to try us
    • (表示无法改变,应该接受)这些都是对我们的考验/磨炼
      used to say that you should accept an unpleasant situation or event because you cannot change it
    • the thing is
    • 事实是;主要原因是
      used to introduce an important fact, reason or explanation
    • I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week.
    • the thing (about/with sth/sb) is
    • …的问题是
      used to introduce a problem about sth/sb
    • The thing with Karl is, he's always late.
    • the (whole)… thing
    • (纯粹的)…事;(完全是)…的活动
      a situation or an activity of the type mentioned
    • She really didn't want to be involved in the whole family thing.
    • things that go bump in the night
    • 夜里奇异可怕的响声;鬼魂;超自然现象
      used to refer to ghosts and other supernatural things that cannot be explained
    • too much of a good thing
    • 好事多了也觉得腻
      used to say that, although sth is pleasant, you do not want to have too much of it
    • (what) with one thing and another
    • 因为事情一个接着一个;由于忙得不可开交
      because you have been busy with various problems, events or things you had to do
    • I completely forgot her birthday, what with one thing and another.
    • chance would be a fine thing
    • 苦于没有机会
      people say chance would be a fine thing to show that they would like to do or have the thing that sb has mentioned, but that they do not think that it is very likely
    • a close thing
    • 成败机会各半
      a situation in which success or failure is equally possible
    • We got him out in the end, but it was a close thing.
    • a close run thing
    • (比赛或选举等中的)险胜,差距很小的败北
      a situation in which sb only just wins or loses, for example in a competition or an election
    • take it/things one day at a time
    • 得过且过;做一天和尚撞一天钟;过一天算一天
      to not think about what will happen in the future
    • I don't know if he'll get better. We're just taking it one day at a time.
    • to do the decent thing
    • (尤指在困境中)做人心所向的事,做体面事
      to do what people or society expect, especially in a difficult situation
    • He did the decent thing and resigned.
    • be the done thing
    • 是合乎礼仪的行为;是得体的行为
      to be socially acceptable behaviour
    • take it/things easy
    • 放松;休息;别过分劳累
      to relax and avoid working too hard or doing too much
    • The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.
    • in the nature of things
    • 理所当然地;自然地
      in the way that things usually happen
    • In the nature of things, young people often rebel against their parents.
    • a near thing
    • 侥幸做成的事
      a situation in which you are successful, but which could also have ended badly
    • Phew! That was a near thing! It could have been a disaster.
    • We won in the end but it was a near thing.
    • the only thing is…
    • 问题是;麻烦的是;只是;不过
      used before mentioning a worry or problem you have with sth
    • I'd love to come─the only thing is I might be late.
    • overdo it/things
    • (工作、学习等)过分努力
      to work, study, etc. too hard or for too long
    • He's been overdoing things recently.
    • I overdid it in the gym and hurt my back.
    • push your luckpush it/things
    • (由于过去的成功过关)再冒一次险,继续碰运气
      to take a risk because you have successfully avoided problems in the past
    • You didn't get caught last time, but don't push your luck!
    • the real thing
    • 真品;真正的事物
      the genuine thing
    • Are you sure it's the real thing (= love) , not just infatuation?
    • the/sb's scheme of things
    • 格局;心中的安排
      the way things seem to be organized; the way sb wants everything to be organized
    • My personal problems are not really important in the overall scheme of things .
    • I don't think marriage figures in his scheme of things.
    • the shape of things to come
    • 未来的状况
      the way things are likely to develop in the future
    • sure thing
    • (答应建议或要求)当然,一定
      used to say ‘yes’ to a suggestion or request
    • ‘Are you coming?’ ‘Sure thing.’
    • as it/things turned out
    • 正如后来表明的;果然如此;果不其然
      as was shown or proved by later events
    • I didn't need my umbrella, as it turned out (= because it didn't rain) .
    • have it/things/everything your own way
    • 为所欲为;一意孤行
      to have what you want, especially by opposing other people
    • work it/things
    • (尤指巧妙地)办成,办妥
      to arrange sth in a particular way, especially by being clever
    • Can you work it so that we get free tickets?



        物体 object
      • 东西;物
        an object whose name you do not use because you do not need to or want to, or because you do not know it
        1. Can you pass me that thing over there?
        2. She's very fond of sweet things (= sweet foods) .
        3. He's just bought one of those exercise things.
        4. Turn that thing off while I'm talking to you!
      • 物件;物品;事物
        an object that is not alive in the way that people and plants are
        1. Don't treat her like that─she's a person, not a thing!
        2. He's good at making things with his hands.
        3. She took no interest in the people and things around her.
      • 所有物;设备 possessions/equipment
      • (个人的)用品,衣服;(某种)用具
        objects, clothing or tools that belong to sb or are used for a particular purpose
        1. Shall I help you pack your things?
        2. Bring your swimming things with you.
        3. I'll just clear away the breakfast things.
        4. Put your things (= coat, etc.) on and let's go.
      • 任何东西 anything
      • 任何东西(用于否定句,加强语气)
        used with negatives to mean ‘anything’ in order to emphasize what you are saying
        1. I haven't got a thing to wear!
        2. There wasn't a thing we could do to help.
        3. Ignore what he said─it doesn't mean a thing .
      • 事实;事件;情况;行为 fact/event/situation/action
      • 事实;事件;情况;行为;话语;想法
        a fact, an event, a situation or an action; what sb says or thinks
        1. There are a lot of things she doesn't know about me.
        2. There's another thing I'd like to ask you.
        3. A terrible thing happened last night.
        4. He found the whole thing (= the situation) very boring.
        5. I've got loads of things to do today.
        6. The main thing to remember is to switch off the burglar alarm.
        7. I like camping, climbing and that sort of thing .
        8. She said the first thing that came into her head.
        9. ‘Why did you tell her our secret?’ ‘I did no such thing !’
        10. Let's forget the whole thing (= everything) .
      • 形势;局面;情况;事态
        the general situation, as it affects sb
        1. Things haven't gone entirely to plan.
        2. Hi, Jane! How are things ?
        3. Think things over before you decide.
        4. As things stand at present, he seems certain to win.
        5. All things considered (= considering all the difficulties or problems) , she's done very well.
        6. Why do you make things so difficult for yourself?
      • 需要的 / 合适的事物 what is needed/right
      • 需要的东西;适当的东西;合适的东西
        what is needed or socially acceptable
        1. You need something to cheer you up─I know just the thing!
        2. to say the right/wrong thing
          说得体的 / 不得体的话
        3. The best thing to do is to apologize.
      • 某种类型的事物 things of particular type
      • 所有…的事物;凡是…的东西
        all that can be described in a particular way
        1. She loves all things Japanese.
      • 生物 creature
      • 生物;有生命的东西
        a living creature
        1. All living things are composed of cells.
      • 人;动物 person/animal
      • (指人或动物,带感情色彩)人,家伙,东西
        used to talk to or about a person or an animal, to show how you feel about them
        1. You silly thing!
        2. You must be starving, you poor things.
        3. The cat's very ill, poor old thing.


      • N-COUNT (不能、不必、不愿指明的)东西,事物,特征,事情
        You can usethingto refer to any object, feature, or event when you cannot, need not, or do not want to refer to it more precisely.
        1. 'What's that thing in the middle of the fountain?' — 'Some kind of statue, I guess.'...
        2. She was in the middle of clearing the breakfast things...
        3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?...
        4. A strange thing happened...
        5. We get blamed for all kinds of things.
      • N-COUNT 等等;…之类
        Thingis used in lists and descriptions to give examples or to increase the range of what you are referring to.
        1. These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia...
        2. The Earth is made mainly of iron and silicon and things like that...
        3. Big things, such as hospitals and social security, are paid for by the Government...
        4. You can spot them fairly easily because of their short haircuts and things.
      • N-COUNT (用于形容词后,与其一起表示该形容词的意思)
        Thingis often used after an adjective, where it would also be possible just to use the adjective. For example, you can sayit's a different thinginstead ofit's different.
        1. Of course, literacy isn't the same thing as intelligence...
        2. To be a parent is a terribly difficult thing...
        3. Perhaps it's a good thing that Dizzy retired.
      • N-SING (用于强调)任何事情,每件事
        Thingis often used instead of the pronouns 'anything,' or 'everything' in order to emphasize what you are saying.
        1. It isn't going to solve a single thing...
        2. Don't you worry about a thing...
        3. 'It's all here,' she said. 'Every damn thing.'
      • N-COUNT (尤用于否定句中,强调恶劣或困难)这种事,这种东西
        Thingis used in expressions such assuch a thingorthings like that, especially in negative statements, in order to emphasize the bad or difficult situation you are referring back to.
        1. I don't believe he would tell Leo such a thing...
        2. 'Are you accusing me of being a thief?' — 'I have done no such thing, Tony.'...
        3. How do you actually go about discovering a thing like that?...
        4. I'm trying to cope. These things happen. You have to cope.
      • N-COUNT (尤指不太重要的)情况,形势,活动,想法
        You can usethingto refer in a vague way to a situation, activity, or idea, especially when you want to suggest that it is not very important.
        1. I'm a bit unsettled tonight. This war thing's upsetting me...
        2. These folks clearly take this ballroom thing very seriously.
        3. ...the man who had spoken dismissively of the 'vision thing' when running for the presidency in 1988.
          1988 年竞选总统时不以为然地谈到“那种虚幻的东西”的那个人
      • N-COUNT …之类的东西;类似于…的东西
        You can usethingwhen you are referring to something that you are uncertain or vague about, after mentioning something that it resembles or could possibly be.
        1. She'd actually taken it home and she put it in this jar thing...
        2. The captain of the submarine has got this periscope thing.
      • N-COUNT (用来表示将要提及重要事情或特别想要对方知道的情况)
        You often usethingto indicate to the person you are addressing that you are about to mention something important, or something that you particularly want them to know.
        1. One thing I am sure of was that she was scared...
        2. The first thing parents want to know is: will the baby survive?...
        3. The funny thing is that the rest of us have known that for years...
        4. The most important thing to remember about fish is to buy it really fresh.
      • N-COUNT (常用于指代刚提及的事,表示强调或提供更多信息)
        Thingis often used to refer back to something that has just been mentioned, either to emphasize it or to give more information about it.
        1. Getting drunk is a thing all young men do...
        2. I never wanted to be normal. It was not a thing I ever thought desirable...
        3. The Captain stretched his left leg on one of the empty chairs. He knew it was not a polite thing to do.
      • N-COUNT (无生命的)物体,东西
        Athingis a physical object that is considered as having no life of its own.
        1. It's not a thing, Beauchamp. It's a human being!
      • N-COUNT 东西,玩意儿(表示蔑视或愤怒)
        Thingis used to refer to something, especially a physical object, when you want to express contempt or anger towards it.
        1. This thing's virtually useless...
        2. They're armed with sub-machine-guns or machine-pistols or whatever you call those things...
        3. Turn that thing off!
      • N-COUNT 家伙,东西(用以提及人或动物的某一特点,通常表示喜爱之情)
        You can call a person or an animal a particularthingwhen you want to mention a particular quality that they have and express your feelings towards them, usually affectionate feelings.
        1. You really are quite a clever little thing...
        2. Oh you lucky thing!
      • N-PLURAL 衣物;财物;财产
        Yourthingsare your clothes or possessions.
        1. Sara told him to take all his things and not to return...
        2. Is there anything you'd like to borrow, before your own things are unpacked?
      • N-PLURAL (泛指)情况
        Thingscan refer to the situation or life in general and the way it is changing or affecting you.
        1. Everyone agrees things are getting better...
        2. A change of ownership might improve things...
        3. How are things going?
      • N-PLURAL 物质生活;精神生活
        Thingscan refer to a particular aspect of life, such as the physical or spiritual aspect.
        1. ...a movement away from the things of this world to the things of the spirit...
        2. I think I'm more aware now of some spiritual things and I do believe in good and evil.
      • N-COUNT (难以言表的)可怕的事情,怪事,恐怖的事情
        You can refer to something that is too frightening, strange, or horrible to describe clearly as athing.
        1. ...John W. Campbell, author of 'The Thing From Another World.'
      • N-SING 流行的东西;时尚
        If you say that something isthe thing, you mean that it is fashionable or popular.
        1. I feel under pressure to go out and get drunk because it's the thing to do...
        2. They were obviously of the opinion that his taste was not quite the thing.
      • PHRASE 在各种情况下;总是
        In all thingsmeans in every situation and at all times.
        1. Sara wished Franklin to follow family tradition, in this as in all things.
        2. ...the old rule of health, which prescribes moderation in all things.
      • PHRASE 八面玲珑;四面讨好
        If you say that someone or something is trying tobe all things to all menorto all people, you are criticizing them because they are trying to behave in a way that will please everyone, and this is impossible.
        1. I realised I had a big problem. I wanted to be all things to all people...
        2. The film tries to be all things to all men — comedy, romance, fantasy, and satire.
      • PHRASE 做(正确或得体的)事
        If, for example, youdo therightthingordo thedecentthingin a situation, you do something which is considered correct or socially acceptable in that situation.
        1. People want to do the right thing and buy 'green'...
        2. Carrington did the honourable thing and resigned...
        3. I think I did the wrong thing.
      • PHRASE 符合社会习俗的事
        If you say that something isthe done thing, you mean it is the most socially acceptable way to behave.
        1. It was not the done thing. In those days the man was supposed to be the provider.
      • PHRASE 第一件事/最后一件事;一大早/临睡前
        If you do somethingfirst thing, you do it at the beginning of the day, before you do anything else. If you do itlast thing, you do it at the end of the day, before you go to bed or go to sleep.
        1. I'll go see her, first thing...
        2. Take the money to your office without fail, first thing in the morning...
        3. I always do it last thing on a Saturday...
        4. Last thing at night, he thought of her.
      • PHRASE 对…很反感;对…有特别的感觉
        If youhave a thing aboutsomeone or something, you have very strong feelings about them.
        1. I had always had a thing about red hair...
        2. He's got this thing about ties.
      • PHRASE 最好…,…较好(用来提出建议或评论)
        You sayit is agoodthing todo something to introduce a piece of advice or a comment on a situation or activity.
        1. Can you tell me whether it is a good thing to prune an apple tree?...
        2. In a new democracy, it is no bad thing to master the art of compromise...
        3. It is a terrible thing to doubt someone you have trusted all your life.
      • PHRASE 大肆渲染;小题大做;把事情闹大
        If youmake a thing ofsomething ormake a thing aboutit, you talk about it or do it in an exaggerated way, so that it seems much more important than it really is.
        1. Gossips made a big thing about him going on shopping trips with her...
        2. I took his hand to make a big thing of introducing him to my mother...
        3. I didn't have time to tell you, and anyway, I didn't want to make a big thing out of it.
      • PHRASE (用于对比两种想法、行动、局势,强调第二种更困难、重要或极端)…是一回事
        You can say that the first of two ideas, actions, or situationsis one thingwhen you want to contrast it with a second idea, action, or situation and emphasize that the second one is much more difficult, important, or extreme.
        1. It was one thing to talk about leaving; it was another to physically walk out the door...
        2. Borrowing $100,000 is one thing. Owing $425,000 is another!
          借 10 万美元事儿小,欠 42.5 万美元这事可就大了。
      • PHRASE 一方面;一来
        You can sayfor one thingwhen you are explaining a statement or answering a question, to suggest that you are not giving the whole explanation or answer, and that there are other points that you could add to it.
        1. She was a monster. For one thing, she really enjoyed cruelty...
        2. She was unable to sell it, because for one thing its size was awkward...
        3. 'How have the sanctions affected your life in Belgrade?' — 'Well, for one thing, we already have shortages.'
      • PHRASE 各种原因;诸多事项
        You can use the expression 'one thing and another' to suggest that there are several reasons for something or several items on a list, but you are not going to explain or mention them all.
        1. What with one thing and another, it was fairly late in the day when we returned to Shrewsbury...
        2. Everybody came in with their Christmas order for beer and spirits and port and one thing and another.
      • PHRASE 没办法解释的事;赶巧发生
        If you sayit is just one of those thingsyou mean that you cannot explain something because it seems to happen by chance.
        1. 'I wonder why.' Mr. Dambar shrugged. 'It must be just one of those things, I guess.'
        2. It was simply one of those things, pure coincidence.
      • PHRASE 顺理成章;自然而然
        You sayone thing led to anotherwhen you are explaining how something happened, but you do not really want to give the details or you think people will be able to imagine the details.
        1. He came by on Saturday to see if she was lonely. One thing led to another and he stayed the night.
      • PHRASE 我行我素;特立独行
        If youdoyourown thing, you live, act, or behave in the way you want to, without paying attention to convention or depending on other people.
        1. We accept the right of all men and women to do their own thing, however bizarre...
        2. She was allowed to do her own thing as long as she kept in touch by phone.
      • PHRASE 不复存在的事物;过去的东西
        If something isa thing of the past, it no longer exists or happens, or is being replaced by something new.
        1. Painful typhoid injections are a thing of the past, thanks to the introduction of an oral vaccine...
        2. Cheap computers, faxes and phone calls will make commuting to work a thing of the past.
      • PHRASE 幻视/幻听
        If you say that someoneis seeingorhearing things, you mean that they believe they are seeing or hearing something that is not really there.
        1. Dr Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things...
        2. I thought I was hearing things yesterday. I thought I heard a cuckoo.
      • PHRASE 没有这回事;不可能的事
        You can say there isno such thing assomething to emphasize that it does not exist or is not possible.
        1. There really is no such thing as a totally risk-free industry...
        2. 'I found a mermaid.' — 'Don't be daft. There's no such thing.'
      • PHRASE 原因是;情况是;问题是
        You saythe thing isto introduce an explanation, comment, or opinion, that relates to something that has just been said.The thing isis often used to identify a problem relating to what has just been said.
        1. 'What does your market research consist of?' — 'Well, the thing is, it depends on our target age group.'...
        2. I'm getting a grant for a speech therapy course. But the thing is, I don't know whether I want to do it any more.
      • PHRASE 正是所要的;正是所需的
        If you say that something isjust the thingor isthe very thing, you are emphasizing that it is exactly what is wanted or needed.
        1. Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack...
        2. I know the very thing to cheer you up.
      • PHRASE 十分了解;精通
        If you say that a person knowsa thing or twoabout something or could teach someonea thing or twoabout it, you mean that they know a lot about it or are good at it.
        1. Patricia Hewitt knows a thing or two about how to be well-organised...
        2. They do agree Africa could teach America a thing or two about family values...
        3. The peace movement has learnt a thing or two from Vietnam.
      • other things being equal→ see:equal



      • a separate and self-contained entity
        1. an action
          1. how could you do such a thing?
        2. an artifact
          1. how does this thing work?
        3. an entity that is not named specifically
          1. I couldn't tell what the thing was
        4. any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence
          1. the thing I like about her is ...
        5. a vaguely specified concern
          1. several matters to attend to
          2. it is none of your affair
          3. things are going well
        6. a special abstraction
          1. a thing of the spirit
          2. things of the heart
        7. a special objective
          1. the thing is to stay in bounds
        8. a statement regarded as an object
          1. to say the same thing in other terms
          2. how can you say such a thing?
        9. an event
          1. a funny thing happened on the way to the...
        10. a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion
          1. he has a thing about seafood
          2. she has a thing about him
        11. a special situation
          1. this thing has got to end
          2. it is a remarkable thing


        • Sara wished Franklin to follow family tradition, in this as in all things.
        • It was not the done thing. In those days the man was supposed to be the provider.
        • I feel under pressure to go out and get drunk because it's the thing to do
        • This thing's virtually useless
        • 'What's that thing in the middle of the fountain?' — 'Some kind of statue, I guess.'
        • These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia
        • I don't believe he would tell Leo such a thing
        • I think I'm more aware now of some spiritual things and I do believe in good and evil.
        • I'll go see her, first thing
        • Gossips made a big thing about him going on shopping trips with her