

英 [taɪmz]

美 [taɪmz]

乘以; (用于比较)倍
n.  (以分钟、小时、天等计量的)时间; (钟表所显示的)时间,钟点,时刻; (世界某一地区所计量的)时,时间
v.  为…安排时间; 选择…的时机; 计时; 测定…所需的时间; 在某一时刻击球(或踢球)



  • 乘以
    multiplied by
    1. Five times two is/equals ten (= 5 × 2 = 10) .
  • (用于比较)倍
    used in comparisons to show how much more, better, etc. sth is than sth else
    1. three times as long as sth
    2. three times longer than sth
    3. three times the length of sth


  • N-UNCOUNT 时间
    Timeis what we measure in minutes, hours, days, and years.
    1. ...a two-week period of time...
    2. Time passed, and still Ma did not appear...
    3. As time went on the visits got more and more regular...
    4. The social significance of religion has changed over time.
  • N-SING 时刻;时候;钟点
    You usetimeto ask or talk about a specific point in the day, which can be stated in hours and minutes and is shown on clocks.
    1. 'What time is it?' — 'Eight o'clock.'...
    2. He asked me the time...
    3. What time did he leave?...
    4. I phoned my mother to ask what time she was coming home...
    5. The time is now 19 minutes past the hour.
  • See also:Departure times are 08:15 from St Quay, and 18:15 from St Helier.opening time
  • N-UNCOUNT (某一时区的)时间
    You usetimeto refer to the system of expressing time and counting hours that is used in a particular part of the world.
    1. The tidal predictions are expressed in Greenwich Mean Time. Add one hour for British Summer Time...
    2. The incident happened just after ten o'clock local time.
      事件发生在当地时间 10 点刚过。
  • N-UNCOUNT (用来做某事或某事发生的)时间
    You usetimeto refer to the period that you spend doing something or when something has been happening.
    1. Adam spent a lot of time in his grandfather's office...
    2. He wouldn't have the time or money to take care of me...
    3. Listen to me, I haven't got much time...
    4. It's obvious that you need more time to think...
    5. The route was blocked for some time...
    6. For a long time I didn't tell anyone...
    7. A short time later they sat down to eat...
    8. Thank you very much for your time.
  • N-SING (相当长的)一段时间
    If you say that something has been happening fora time, you mean that it has been happening for a fairly long period of time.
    1. He was also for a time the art critic of 'The Scotsman'...
    2. He stayed for quite a time...
    3. After a time they came to a pond.
  • N-COUNT (某事发生的)一段(或特定)时间
    You usetimeto refer to a period of time or a point in time, when you are describing what is happening then. For example, if something happenedata particulartime, that is when it happened. If it happensat all times, it always happens.
    1. We were in the same college, which was male-only at that time...
    2. By this time he was thirty...
      到那时他 30 岁了。
    3. During the time I was married I tried to be the perfect wife...
    4. It was a time of terrible uncertainty...
    5. Homes are more affordable than at any time in the past five years...
    6. It seemed like a good time to tell her...
    7. There were times when he would ring his bell at all hours of the day or night.
  • N-COUNT 历史时期;时代
    You usetimeortimesto talk about a particular period in history or in your life.
    1. They were hard times and his parents had been struggling to raise their family...
    2. We'll be alone together, quite like old times...
    3. We are in one of the most severe recessions in modern times...
    4. A 'Felucca' is the traditional Nile sailboat, unchanged since the time of the pharaohs.
      Felucca 是尼罗河地区的传统帆船,自法老时代起就没有变过。
  • N-PLURAL 当代;时代潮流
    You can usethe timesto refer to the present time and to modern fashions, tastes, and developments. For example, if you say that someonekeeps up with the times, you mean they are fashionable or aware of modern developments. If you say they arebehind the times, you mean they are unfashionable or not aware of them.
    1. He is unafraid to move with the times...
    2. This approach is now seriously out of step with the times...
    3. Johnny has changed his image to fit the times.
  • N-COUNT (经历的)一段时间,时期
    When you describe thetimethat you had on a particular occasion or during a particular part of your life, you are describing the sort of experience that you had then.
    1. Sarah and I had a great time while the kids were away...
    2. She's had a really tough time the last year and a half...
    3. You had an easy time of it at home...
    4. I try to remember all the good times I've had here.
  • N-SING 生命(期);期限;时限
    Yourtimeis the amount of time that you have to live, or to do a particular thing.
    1. Now Martin has begun to suffer the effects of AIDS, and he says his time is running out...
    2. Every administration has its time. And when your time is over, you leave...
    3. I doubt I would change anything if I had my time again.
  • N-UNCOUNT (从事特定活动的)合适时候
    If you say it istime forsomething,time todo something, ortimeyou did something, you mean that this thing ought to happen or be done now.
    1. Opinion polls indicated a feeling among the public that it was time for a change...
    2. It was time for him to go to work...
    3. This was no time to make a speech...
    4. The time has come to put an end to the conflict...
    5. It's time you went to school.
  • N-COUNT 次;回
    When you talk about atimewhen something happens, you are referring to a specific occasion when it happens.
    1. Every time she travels on the bus it's delayed by at least three hours...
    2. The last time I saw her was about sixteen years ago...
      我上次见她大约是 16 年前了。
    3. House prices are rising for the first time since November...
      房价自 11 月以来首次上涨。
    4. Next time you go shopping, throw in a few extra fruit and vegetables...
    5. Remember that time she picked up my daughter when I was ill?
  • N-COUNT 次
    You usetimeafter numbers to say how often something happens.
    1. It was her job to make tea three times a day...
    2. How many times has your mother told you never to talk to strangers?...
    3. The Masters golf tournament was won a second time by the American Ben Hogan.
  • You do not say 'one time a year' or 'two times a year'; you sayonce a yearortwice a year. You also do not say 'two times as much'; you saytwice as much.
    “一年一次”或“一年两次”不能说 one time a year 或 two times a year,而要说 once a year 或 twice a year。“两倍那么多”也不能说 two times as much,而要说 twice as much。

  • N-PLURAL 倍
    You usetimesafter numbers when comparing one thing to another and saying, for example, how much bigger, smaller, better, or worse it is.
    1. Its profits are rising four times faster than the average company...
    2. Young people were several times more likely to be out of work than older members of the workforce...
    3. He polled four times as many votes as his rival.
    4. ...an area five times the size of Britain.
    You usetimesin arithmetic to link numbers or amounts that are multiplied together to reach a total.
    1. Four times six is 24.
      4 乘以 6 等于 24。
  • N-COUNT (赛跑等)所用时间,成绩
    Someone'stimein a race is the amount of time it takes them to finish the race.
    1. He was over a second faster than his previous best time...
      他比自己以前的最好成绩快了 1 秒多。
    2. She recorded a time of two minutes 8.74 seconds.
      她以两分 8 秒 74 的成绩创了纪录。
  • N-UNCOUNT 拍子;节拍
    Thetimeof a piece of music is the number of beats that the piece has in each bar.
    1. A reel is in four-four time, and a jig is in six-eight time.
  • VERB 给…确定时间;为…安排时间
    If youtimesomething for a particular time, you plan or decide to do it or cause it to happen at this time.
    1. He timed the election to coincide with new measures to boost the economy...
    2. We had timed our visit for March 7...
    3. He had timed his intervention well...
    4. Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.
  • VERB 测定…所花时间
    If youtimean action or activity, you measure how long someone takes to do it or how long it lasts.
    1. He timed each performance with a stop-watch.
  • See also:timing
  • PHRASE 该是…的时候了;早该…了
    If you say it isabout timethat something was done, you are saying in an emphatic way that it should happen or be done now, and really should have happened or been done sooner.
    1. It's about time a few movie makers with original ideas were given a chance...
    2. 'Here she is.' — 'About time too.'
  • PHRASE 提前;预先
    If you do somethingahead of time, you do it before a particular event or before you need to, in order to be well prepared.
    1. Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation.
  • PHRASE (思想)先进,领先于时代
    If someone isahead oftheirtimeorbeforetheirtime, they have new ideas a long time before other people start to think in the same way.
    1. My mother was ahead of her time. She surrounded me with culture and art.
    2. His only fundamental mistake, he insists, is that he was 20 years before his time.
  • PHRASE 一直;始终
    If something happens or is doneall the time, it happens or is done continually.
    1. We can't be together all the time...
    2. I get the two of them mixed up all the time, they're so similar.
  • PHRASE 一次;每次
    You sayat a timeafter an amount to say how many things or how much of something is involved in one action, place, or group.
    1. Beat in the eggs, one at a time...
    2. She ran for the staircase and down the steps, taking them two at a time...
    3. Do you sometimes find that you are doing very little physical exercise for several weeks at a time?
  • PHRASE 随时;任何时候
    If something could happenat any time, it is possible that it will happen very soon, though nobody can predict exactly when.
    1. Conditions are still very tense and the fighting could escalate at any time.
  • PHRASE 即使在最好的情况下
    You sayat the best of timeswhen you are making a negative or critical comment to emphasize that it is true even when the circumstances are as favourable as possible.
    1. A trade war would be bad at the best of times, but in the current economic climate, it would be a disaster.
  • PHRASE 一度;曾经
    If you say that something was the caseat one time, you mean that it was the case during a particular period in the past.
    1. At one time 400 men, women and children lived in the village.
      曾经有 400 个男人、女人和孩子居住在村子里。
    2. ...enormous glaciers, which at one time covered vast areas of the northern hemisphere.
  • PHRASE 同时
    If two or more things exist, happen, or are trueat the same time, they exist, happen, or are true together although they seem to contradict each other.
    1. I was afraid of her, but at the same time I really liked her...
    2. She was somehow able to look sad and cheerful at the same time.
  • PHRASE 然而;不过
    At the same timeis used to introduce a statement that slightly changes or contradicts the previous statement.
    1. I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each album. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.
  • PHRASE 有时;间或
    You useat timesto say that something happens or is true on some occasions or at some moments.
    1. The debate was highly emotional at times...
    2. At times she had an overwhelming desire to see him...
    3. He went on listening to her, at times impatient and at times fascinated.
  • PHRASE 在…出生以前;在…有记忆前
    If you say that something wasbeforeyourtime, you mean that it happened or existed before you were born or before you were able to know about it or remember it.
    1. 'You've never seen the Marilyn Monroe film?' — 'No, I think it was a bit before my time.'
  • PHRASE 过早
    If someone has reached a particular stage in lifebeforetheirtime, they have reached it at a younger age than is normal.
    1. The small print has forced me, years before my time, to buy spectacles...
    2. There is nothing like a college town to make you feel old before your time.
  • PHRASE 早该发生;早该如此
    If you saynot before timeafter a statement has been made about something that has been done, you are saying in an emphatic way that you think it should have been done sooner.
    1. The virus is getting more and more attention, and not before time...
    2. Not before time, that is about to change.
  • PHRASE 结束
    If youcall time onsomething, you end it.
    1. Scott Hastings has called time on his international career by cutting short his contract.
  • PHRASE 坐牢;服刑
    Someone whois doing timeis in prison.
    1. He is serving 11 years for robbery, and did time for a similar offence before that.
  • PHRASE 永远
    If you say that something will be the casefor all time, you mean that it will always be the case.
    1. The desperate condition of the world is that madness has always been here, and that it will remain so for all time.
  • PHRASE 目前;暂时
    If something is the case or will happenfor the time being, it is the case or will happen now, but only until something else becomes possible or happens.
    1. For the time being, however, immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages...
    2. The situation is calm for the time being.
  • PHRASE 不时地;间或;偶尔
    If you do somethingfrom time to time, you do it occasionally but not regularly.
    1. Her daughters visited him from time to time when he was ill.
  • PHRASE 常常;几乎总是
    If you say that something is the casehalf the timeyou mean that it often is the case.
    1. Half the time, I don't have the slightest idea what he's talking about.
  • PHRASE 不喜欢/喜欢;不赞成/赞成
    If you say that youhave no time fora person or thing, you mean you do not like them or approve of them, and if you say that youhave a lot of time fora person or thing, you mean you like them or approve of them very much.
    1. When I think of what he's done to my mother and me, I've just got no time for him...
    2. I have got a lot of time for people who are prepared to put the welfare of their party above their own vanity.
  • PHRASE (早)该…了;是时候…了
    If you say thatit is high timethat something happened or was done, you are saying in an emphatic way that it should happen or be done now, and really should have happened or been done sooner.
    1. It is high time the Government displayed a more humanitarian approach towards victims of the recession...
    2. It is high time to consider the problem on a global scale.
  • PHRASE 及时;不迟
    If you arein time fora particular event, you are not too late for it.
    1. I arrived just in time for my flight to London...
    2. She set the alarm so she'd wake up in time to give her two sons their medication.
  • PHRASE 最终;迟早
    If you say that something will happenin timeorgiven time, you mean that it will happen eventually, when a lot of time has passed.
    1. He would sort out his own problems, in time...
    2. Tina believed that, given time, her business would become profitable.
  • PHRASE 合拍/不合拍
    If you are playing, singing, or dancingin timewith a piece of music, you are following the rhythm and speed of the music correctly. If you areout of timewith it, you are not following the rhythm and speed of the music correctly.
    1. Her body swayed in time with the music...
    2. We were standing onstage playing completely out of time.
  • PHRASE 在…之后
    If you say that something will happen, for example,ina week's timeorintwo years' time, you mean that it will happen a week from now or two years from now.
    1. Presidential elections are due to be held in ten days' time...
    2. In a year's time we will all be laughing about it.
  • PHRASE 提早,提前(到达)
    If you arrive somewherein good time, you arrive early so that there is time to spare before a particular event.
    1. If we're out, we always make sure we're home in good time for the programme.
  • PHRASE 慢慢来;别急;来得及
    If you tell someone that something will happenin good timeorall in good time, you are telling them to be patient because it will happen eventually.
    1. There will be many advanced exercises that you won't be able to do at first. You will get to them in good time...
    2. 'I can't wait to be grown up.' — 'All in good time.'
  • PHRASE 立刻;马上
    If something happensin no timeorin next to no time, it happens almost immediately or very quickly.
    1. He's going to be just fine. At his age he'll heal in no time...
    2. He expects to be out of prison in next to no time.
  • PHRASE 从容地;不慌不忙地
    If you do somethinginyourown time, you do it at the speed that you choose, rather than allowing anyone to hurry you.
    1. Now, in your own time, tell me what happened.
  • PHRASE 在业余时间;在空闲时间
    If you do something such as workinyourown timein British English, oronyourown timein American English, you do it in your free time rather than, for example, at work or school.
    1. If I choose to work on other projects in my own time, then I say that is my business.
  • PHRASE 和着拍子;按节拍
    If youkeep timewhen playing or singing music, you follow or play the beat, without going too fast or too slowly.
    1. As he sang he kept time on a small drum.
  • PHRASE (钟表)走得准
    When you talk about how well a watch or clockkeeps time, you are talking about how accurately it measures time.
    1. Some pulsars keep time better than the earth's most accurate clocks.
  • PHRASE 腾出时间;留出时间
    If youmake time fora particular activity or person, you arrange to have some free time so that you can do the activity or spend time with the person.
    1. Before leaving the city, be sure to make time for a shopping trip...
    2. She had made time for me in the midst of her busy schedule...
    3. I think you should always make time to see your friends.
  • PHRASE (旅途)比预期的快
    If you say that youmade good timeon a journey, you mean it did not take you very long compared to the length of time you expected it to take.
    1. They had left early in the morning, on quiet roads, and made good time.
  • PHRASE 弥补过去损失的时间
    If someoneis making up for lost time, they are doing something actively and with enthusiasm because they have not had the opportunity to do it before or when they were younger.
    1. Five years older than the majority of officers of his same rank, he was determined to make up for lost time.
      他比同一级别的大多数军官年长 5 岁,因此他决心积极努力来弥补过去损失的时间。



  • an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of division
    1. the multiplication of four by three gives twelve
    2. four times three equals twelve
  • a more or less definite period of time now or previously present
    1. it was a sign of the times


  • She's visited China many times.
  • I get mixed up about times and places.
  • The rice has been washed for three times.
  • How many times has your mother told you never to talk to strangers?
  • I've played against him a few times.
  • Over the years, Yul and Kirk had crossed paths many times.
  • He's visited Dalian many times.
  • Britain was allied with the United States many times in history.
  • I found Ben's cynicism wearing at times.
  • We've tried this method for no one knows how many times.