英 [tu , tə]
美 [tu , tə]
prep. 向,朝,往,对着(某方向或某处); 位于…方向; 到,达(某处)
inf. 表示目的或意图; 表示结果; 表示原因
adv. 关着; 关闭; 关上
Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.7 / COCA.7
- to and fro
- 往返地;来回地
backwards and forwards - She rocked the baby to and fro.
- 向,朝,往,对着(某方向或某处)
in the direction of sth; towards sth- I walked to the office.
我朝办公室走去。 - It fell to the ground.
它掉到了地上。 - It was on the way to the station.
那是在去火车站的路上。 - He's going to Paris.
他就要去巴黎了。 - my first visit to Africa
我对非洲的第一次访问 - He pointed to something on the opposite bank.
他指向对岸的某样东西。 - Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place.
- I walked to the office.
- 位于…方向
located in the direction mentioned from sth- Place the cursor to the left of the first word.
把光标置于第一个单词的左边。 - There are mountains to the north.
- Place the cursor to the left of the first word.
- 到,达(某处)
as far as sth- The meadows lead down to the river.
牧场一直延伸到河边。 - Her hair fell to her waist.
- The meadows lead down to the river.
- 到,达(某种状态)
reaching a particular state- The vegetables were cooked to perfection.
这些蔬菜烧的火候恰到好处。 - He tore the letter to pieces.
他把信撕碎了。 - She sang the baby to sleep.
她唱着歌把孩子哄睡了。 - The letter reduced her to tears (= made her cry) .
那封信让她落泪了。 - His expression changed from amazement to joy.
- The vegetables were cooked to perfection.
- (表示范围或一段时间的结尾或界限)到,至
used to show the end or limit of a range or period of time- a drop in profits from $105 million to around $75 million
利润从1.05亿元降到7 500万元左右 - I'd say he was 25 to 30 years old (= approximately 25 or 30 years old) .
我猜他在25至30岁之间。 - I like all kinds of music from opera to reggae.
我喜欢各种音乐,从歌剧到雷盖都喜欢。 - We only work from Monday to Friday.
我们仅从星期一工作到星期五。 - I watched the programme from beginning to end.
- a drop in profits from $105 million to around $75 million
- 在…开始之前;离;差
before the start of sth- How long is it to lunch?
离吃午饭还有多久? - It's five to ten (= five minutes before ten o'clock) .
- How long is it to lunch?
- (引出接受者)给,予,向
used to show the person or thing that receives sth- He gave it to his sister.
他把那给了他的妹妹。 - I'll explain to you where everything goes.
我会向你解释所有东西的摆放位置。 - I am deeply grateful to my parents.
我对父母是感恩戴德。 - Who did she address the letter to?
那封信她是写给谁的? - To whom did she address the letter?
- He gave it to his sister.
- (引出受事者或受体)对于,关于
used to show the person or thing that is affected by an action- She is devoted to her family.
她深深爱着自己的家庭。 - What have you done to your hair?
- She is devoted to her family.
- (表示两件事物相接或相连)
used to show that two things are attached or connected- Attach this rope to the front of the car.
- Attach this rope to the front of the car.
- (表示两人或事物之间的关系)属于,归于,关于,对于
used to show a relationship between one person or thing and another- She's married to an Italian.
她嫁给了一个意大利人。 - the Japanese ambassador to France
日本驻法大使 - the key to the door
这个门的钥匙 - the solution to this problem
- She's married to an Italian.
- 指向;关于
directed towards; concerning- It was a threat to world peace.
这是对世界和平的威胁。 - She made a reference to her recent book.
- It was a threat to world peace.
- (引出比较或比率的第二部分)比
used to introduce the second part of a comparison or ratio- I prefer walking to climbing.
我喜欢散步多于喜欢爬山。 - The industry today is nothing to what it once was.
这一行业的现状与昔日的盛况相比微不足道。 - We won by six goals to three.
- I prefer walking to climbing.
- (表示数量或比率)等于,每,一
used to show a quantity or rate- There are 2.54 centimetres to an inch.
一英寸等于2.54厘米。 - This car does 30 miles to the gallon.
- There are 2.54 centimetres to an inch.
- 向…表示敬意
in honour of sb/sth- a monument to the soldiers who died in the war
阵亡将士纪念碑 - Let's drink to Julia and her new job.
- a monument to the soldiers who died in the war
- 伴随;随同
while sth else is happening or being done- He left the stage to prolonged applause.
- He left the stage to prolonged applause.
- (用于表示动作的动词之后)为了给,以提供
used after verbs of movement to mean ‘with the intention of giving sth’- People rushed to her rescue and picked her up.
- People rushed to her rescue and picked her up.
- (表示态度或反应)适合,符合,致使
used to show sb's attitude or reaction to sth- His music isn't really to my taste.
他的音乐实在不合我的口味。 - To her astonishment, he smiled.
- His music isn't really to my taste.
- (表示看法或感觉)按…的看法,据…认为
used to show what sb's opinion or feeling about sth is- It sounded like crying to me.
- It sounded like crying to me.
infinitive marker
- (表示目的或意图)
used to show purpose or intention- I set out to buy food.
我动身去买吃的。 - I am going to tell you a story.
我要给你们讲一个故事。 - She was determined to do well.
她决心要做好。 - His aim was to become president.
他的目的是当总统。 - To be honest with you, I don't remember what he said.
- I set out to buy food.
- (表示结果)
used to show the result of sth- She managed to escape.
她设法逃走了。 - It was too hot to go out.
天太热,不能出去。 - He couldn't get close enough to see.
- She managed to escape.
- (表示原因)
used to show the cause of sth- I'm sorry to hear that.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- (表示想做或让做的事情)
used to show an action that you want or are advised to do- I'd love to go to France this summer.
今年夏天我想去法国。 - The leaflet explains how to apply for a place.
这本小册子介绍如何申请职位。 - I don't know what to say.
- I'd love to go to France this summer.
- (表示已知或转述的事情)
used to show sth that is known or reported about a particular person or thing- The house was said to be haunted.
- The house was said to be haunted.
- (表示一个动作紧跟另一动作)
used to show that one action immediately follows another- I reached the station only to find that my train had already left.
- I reached the station only to find that my train had already left.
- 必须;一定;应该
used to show that you must or should do sth- You are not to talk during the exam.
考试期间不许说话。 - She was to be here at 8.30 but she didn't arrive.
- You are not to talk during the exam.
- 关着;关闭;关上
in or into a closed position- Push the door to.
- Push the door to.
- PREP (表示方向、目的地)向,朝,往,到
You usetowhen indicating the place that someone or something visits, moves towards, or points at.- Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break...
我和两个朋友在大学春假期间开车去了佛罗里达。 - Ramsay made a second visit to Italy.
拉姆齐第二次访问意大利。 - ...a five-day road and rail journey to Beijing...
到北京长达5天的公路兼铁路车程 - She went to the window and looked out...
她走到窗前向外看去。 - He pointed to a chair, signalling for her to sit.
- Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break...
- PREP 去(参加)
If you gotoan event, you go where it is taking place.- We went to a party at the leisure centre...
我们去休闲活动中心参加了一个聚会。 - He came to dinner...
他来赴晚宴了。 - I do hope you'll be able to come to the wedding…
我确实希望你能来参加婚礼。 - Eliza accepted Charles' invitation to a house party.
- We went to a party at the leisure centre...
- PREP (表示捆、系、拴等)连接,附着
If something is attachedtosomething larger or fixedtoit, the two things are joined together.- There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog's collar...
狗项圈上系着一条布。 - Many patients prefer hand-held shower heads rather than those fixed to the wall…
很多病人更喜欢手握式的淋浴喷头而不是固定在墙上的那种。 - Scrape off all the meat juices stuck to the bottom of the pan.
- There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog's collar...
- PREP (表示位置)在,位于
You usetowhen indicating the position of something. For example, if something istoyour left, it is nearer your left side than your right side.- Hemingway's studio is to the right...
海明威的工作室在右面。 - You will see the chapel on the hill to your left…
你会看见那座小教堂在你左侧的山上。 - Atlanta was only an hour's drive to the north.
开车往北仅 1 个小时就能到达亚特兰大。
- Hemingway's studio is to the right...
- PREP 给,予
When you give somethingtosomeone, they receive it.- He picked up the knife and gave it to me...
他捡起刀子递给我。 - Firms should be allowed to offer jobs to the long-term unemployed at a lower wage.
- He picked up the knife and gave it to me...
- PREP (表示动作或情感的对象)对,于
You usetoto indicate who or what an action or a feeling is directed towards.- Marcus has been most unkind to me today...
马库斯今天对我非常无礼。 - …troops loyal to the government.
忠于政府的军队 - …the problem of cruelty to children…
虐待儿童问题 - I have had to pay for repairs to the house.
- Marcus has been most unkind to me today...
- PREP (与某些名词、形容词连用,表示关联)对于,关于
You usetowith certain nouns and adjectives to show that a following noun is related to them.- He is a witty man, and an inspiration to all of us...
他机智风趣,鼓舞激励着我们所有人。 - Marriage is not the answer to everything...
婚姻并不能解决一切问题。 - She was very sympathetic to the problems of adult students.
- He is a witty man, and an inspiration to all of us...
- PREP 对…(说);向…(说)
If you say somethingtosomeone, you want that person to listen and understand what you are saying.- I'm going to have to explain to them that I can't pay them.
- I'm going to have to explain to them that I can't pay them.
- PREP (表示反应或态度)致使,致
You usetowhen indicating someone's reaction to something or their feelings about a situation or event. For example, if you say that something happenstosomeone's surprise you mean that they are surprised when it happens.- To his surprise, the bedroom door was locked…
令他吃惊的是,卧室门锁上了。 - He survived, to the amazement of surgeons.
- To his surprise, the bedroom door was locked…
- PREP 据…认为
You usetowhen indicating the person whose opinion you are stating.- It was clear to me that he respected his boss...
在我看来他显然很尊重他的上司。 - Everyone seemed to her to be amazingly kind.
- It was clear to me that he respected his boss...
- PREP (表示变化)倾向于,趋于,至
You usetowhen indicating what something or someone is becoming, or the state or situation that they are progressing towards.- The shouts changed to screams of terror.
喊叫声变成了惊恐的尖叫声。 - old ranch house that has been converted to a nature centre.
被改建成自然中心的旧农场主住宅 - …a return to active politics…
再次复出,积极参政 - Charles has been promoted to general sales and marketing manager.
- The shouts changed to screams of terror.
- PREP (表示雇佣关系)为
Tocan be used as a way of introducing the person or organization you are employed by, when you perform some service for them.- Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne...
里克曼曾是奈杰尔·霍索恩的服装师。 - He was an official interpreter to the government of Nepal.
- Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne...
- PREP (表示时间、数量的界限)达到
You usetoto indicate that something happens until the time or amount mentioned is reached.- Every vehicle was banned from coming into Mexico City one day a week from Monday to Friday…
每周一到周五期间都会有一天禁止所有车辆进入墨西哥城。 - From 1977 to 1985 the United States gross national product grew 21 percent...
从1977到1985年,美国的国民生产总值增长了 21%。 - The annual rate of inflation in Britain has risen to its highest level for eight years.
- Every vehicle was banned from coming into Mexico City one day a week from Monday to Friday…
- PREP (用于列举时)(从…)到…
You usetowhen indicating the last thing in a range of things, usually when you are giving two extreme examples of something.- I read everything from fiction to history.
从小说到历史,我什么书都读。 - …mechanical toys and gadgets, from typewriters to toy cars.
从打字机到玩具汽车这样的机械玩具和小巧装置 - …new orders for everything from computers to trucks.
- I read everything from fiction to history.
- PREP (表示处所、工作变动)(从…)到…
If someone goes from placetoplace or from jobtojob, they go to several places, or work in several jobs, and spend only a short time in each one.- Larry and Andy had drifted from place to place, worked at this and that.
- Larry and Andy had drifted from place to place, worked at this and that.
- See also:She stood up and began to pace to and fro...The boat was rocking gently to and fro in the water.toing and fro-ing
- PREP (表示时间)在…之前,(差…)不到…
You usetowhen you are stating a time which is less than thirty minutes before an hour. For example, if it is 'fivetoeight', it is five minutes before eight o'clock.- At twenty to six I was waiting by the entrance to the station...
5 点 40 分我正在车站入口处等着。 - At exactly five minutes to nine, Ann left her car and entered the building.
- At twenty to six I was waiting by the entrance to the station...
- PREP (表示比率)每
You usetowhen giving ratios and rates.- ...engines that can run at 60 miles to the gallon.
每加仑油跑 60 英里的发动机 - …a mixture of one part milk to two parts water.
- ...engines that can run at 60 miles to the gallon.
- PREP 伴随;随同
You usetowhen indicating that two things happen at the same time. For example, if something is donetomusic, it is done at the same time as music is being played.- Romeo left the stage, to enthusiastic applause...
罗密欧在热烈的掌声中离开了舞台。 - Amy woke up to the sound of her doorbell ringing...
随着门铃叮当作响,埃米醒来了。 - 'I've got an idea,' said Edward to a chorus of groans.
- Romeo left the stage, to enthusiastic applause...
- CONVENTION 不费事;很简单
If you say 'There's nothing to it', 'There's not much to it', or 'That's all there is to it', you are emphasizing how simple you think something is.- Once they have tried growing orchids, they will see there is really nothing to it.
一旦他们试着种植兰花,就会发现那并不是什么难事。 - She's going through a difficult time. That's all there is to it.
- Once they have tried growing orchids, they will see there is really nothing to it.
- ADV (门)关着,虚掩着
If you push or shut a doorto, you close it but may not shut it completely.- He slipped out, pulling the door to.
- He slipped out, pulling the door to.
- See also:according to
In addition to the uses shown below,tois used in phrasal verbs such as ‘see to’ and ‘come to’. It is also used with some verbs that have two objects in order to introduce the second object.
除下列用法外,to 还可用于 see to 和 come to 等短语动词中。它还与某些带双宾语的动词连用,以引出第二个宾语。
Usually pronounced /tə/ before a consonant and /tu/ before a vowel, but pronounced /tuː/ when you are emphasizing it. 通常在辅音前读作 /tə/,在元音前读作 /tu/,但在强调时读作 /tuː/。
to inf (用于动词原形前构成不定式;不定式用于某些动词、名词、形容词以及 how,which, where 等词之后)。
You usetobefore the base form of a verb to form the to-infinitive. You use the to-infinitive after certain verbs, nouns, and adjectives, and after words such as 'how', 'which', and 'where'.- The management wanted to know what I was doing there...
管理层想知道我在那里做什么。 - She told ministers of her decision to resign...
她告诉了部长们她准备辞职的决定。 - Trish was the first to see him…
特里什是第一个见他的人。 - Nuclear plants are expensive to build, though cheap to operate…
核电站造价高昂,虽然运转费用低廉。 - Darling! It's lovely to see you…
亲爱的!见到你真是太好了。 - She did not take the judge's advice about how to do her job…
她没有听取评审的工作建议。 - The Foreign Minister is to visit China…
外交大臣将要访问中国。 - The youngest child, John, was to die at the age of fourteen.
最小的孩子约翰后来于 14 岁时夭亡。
- The management wanted to know what I was doing there...
- 利用大公司的经验帮助小企业 → see:...using the experience of big companies to help small businesses...
to inf (用于动词原形前,表示对自己要说的话加以说明)
You usetobefore the base form of a verb when you are commenting on a statement that you are making, for example when saying that you are being honest or brief, or that you are summing up or giving an example.- I'm disappointed, to be honest...
说实话,我很失望。 - Well, to sum up, what is the message that you are trying to get across?
- I'm disappointed, to be honest...
to inf (用于感叹句中的动词原形前,强调某一强烈情感)
You usetobefore the base form of a verb in exclamations when you are emphasizing a very strong emotion, such as a desire or wish, or a regret or disappointment.- Oh, to think of his poor wife, standing there helpless…
噢!想想他可怜的妻子,无助地站在那里。 - But then to be let down like that, oh it's so unfair!
- Oh, to think of his poor wife, standing there helpless…
to inf (用于动词原形前,表示某一动作之后的情形)
You usetobefore the base form of a verb when indicating what situation follows a particular action.- He made his way to the kitchen to find Francis cooking…
他走到厨房,发现弗朗西斯正在做菜。 - From the garden you walk down to discover a large and beautiful lake...
由花园往前走,你会发现一个宽阔美丽的湖。 - He awoke to find Charlie standing near the bed.
- He made his way to the kitchen to find Francis cooking…
- → see:too and enough
Pronounced /tə/ before a consonant and /tu/ before a vowel. 在辅音前读作 /tə/,在元音前读作 /tu/。
- He is a witty man, and an inspiration to all of us
他机智风趣,鼓舞激励着我们所有人。 - Oh, to think of his poor wife, standing there helpless
噢!想想他可怜的妻子,无助地站在那里。 - We went to a party at the leisure centre
我们去休闲中心参加一个聚会。 - The management wanted to know what I was doing there
管理层想知道我在那里做什么。 - Every vehicle was banned from coming into Mexico City one day a week from Monday to Friday
每周一到周五期间都会有一天禁止所有车辆进入墨西哥城。 - She went to the window and looked out
她走到窗前向外看去。 - Romeo left the stage, to enthusiastic applause
罗密欧在热烈的掌声中离开了舞台。 - Marcus has been most unkind to me today
马库斯今天对我非常无礼。 - He pointed to a chair, signalling for her to sit.
他指向一把椅子,示意她坐下。 - Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne