adj. 不可匹配的;不能比拟的
- eminent beyond or above comparison
- matchless beauty
- the team's nonpareil center fielder
- she's one girl in a million
- the one and only Muhammad Ali
- a peerless scholar
- infamy unmatched in the Western world
- wrote with unmatchable clarity
- unrivaled mastery of her art
- Chinese are unmatchable in chop, drive, push shot, smash and nearly in all techniques.
中国队在削球、抽球、推挡、扣杀以及几乎所有的技术方面都是无与伦比的。 - It has powerful functions, easiness of installation, no regional limits sharing resources that are unmatchable for traditional video monitoring.
它的功能强大性、于安装性、限地区性和资源共享性都是传统视频监控所无法比拟的。 - But in fact, the unmatchable appearance between product structure, allocation structure, exchange structure and consuming structure is very serious which not only waste social resource but also hinder realization of product aim of socialism.
而现实中我省生产结构、分配结构、交换结构和消费结构之间的脱节现象是比较严重的,这不仅浪费了社会资源还直接阻碍了社会主义生产目的实现。 - After briefing both of them, the article lays stress on how to introduce the E-commerce into the underwriting and makes the latter possess unmatchable advantage over the traditional.
通过对两者的介绍,突出将电子商务引入保险业,使之具有传统保险业无可比拟的优势。 - With its unmatchable traits the session initiation protocol has stand out and got support of lots of companies.
SIP会话初始协议以其特有的本质博得了众多厂商的青睐,获得了广泛的支持。 - Now, SRAM can be designed using full-custom, which can improve the performance of SRAM and overcome the bottle-neck problem induced by unmatchable speed when micro processor access to the cache memory.
目前,通常采用全定制方法对SRAM进行专门设计和优化,使SRAM性能得到进一步提高,以缓解微处理器访问高速缓存时因速度不匹配而引起的访存瓶颈问题。 - Of 416 cases, only 1 ( 0.24%) developed HDN in the unmatchable mother-baby's Rh-blood-type.
在416例黄疸患儿中,母子Rh血型不合的HDN仅有1例(0·24%)。 - Matchless beauty; the team's nonpareil center fielder; she's one girl in a-million; the one and only Muhammad ali; a peerless scholar; infamy unmatched in the western world; wrote with unmatchable clarity; unrivaled mastery of her art.
无可比拟的美丽;这个队无敌的中场手;她是万里挑一的女孩;举世无双的穆罕默德埃里;出类拔萃的学者;在西方世界无与伦比的丑闻;写得无比清楚;无比精通她的艺术。 - As a result, it is highly-effective, flexible, open and intensive, which is regarded as an unmatchable advantage compared with traditional working means.
网络时代档案编研高效便捷、灵活多样、开放集约的特点,使之具有传统档案编研无法比拟的优势。 - Compared with traditional TV, it has many unmatchable advantages. For example, it makes consumers control playing programs and choose when and on what mode to play.