adj. 臭不可闻的;不良;不光彩的
- morally offensive
- an unsavory reputation
- an unsavory scandal
- not pleasing in odor or taste
- When my grandmother – from a New England background – was confronted with an unsavory topic, she would change the subject and gaze out the window.
当我的新英格兰裔祖母遇到不愉快的话题时,她就会转移话题,凝望窗外。这也正是我的处事之道:别管闲事。 - You can remember her smile after ending your quarrel, you can recall the taste of her unsavory food, you can clearly feel her smell even if she left you for days.
您能在结束您的争吵以后记住她的微笑,您能召回口味她令人厌恶的食物,您能明显地感觉她的气味,即使她留下您好几天。 - He became appalled at unsavory tricks.
如此心狠手辣的手段,使他惊呆了。 - I have cleared my piazza of that unsavory flytrap.
我除掉了走廊上这只臭不可闻的捕蝇器啦。 - If a neighborhood allows broken windows to stay that way, and fails to replace them, the neighborhood will deteriorate because vandals and other unsavory people will assume no one cares.
如果你的邻居对“破窗”置之不理,并没修复它,那么久而久之邻里关系就会恶化,因为那些破坏者和一些讨人嫌的人就会认为没人管他们而继续肆无忌惮。 - Your diplomatic nature will help you in straightening out unsavory situations.
你的外交特质将有助于你使令人不快的状况得到好转。 - Here we honor those who have died, been murdered or had something even more unsavory happen to them during the course of Game of Thrones.
我们尊敬《权力的游戏》中死掉的、被杀的还有那些不幸发生在他们身上的各种角色。 - Nevertheless, it has become much harder for banks to conduct business with rogue nations and unsavory characters as governments, most notably the US, fight back.
不过,由于政府、尤其是美国政府加大打击力度,如今银行要继续为“邪恶”国家或在西方臭名昭著的人物提供业务服务已变得困难多了。 - He also supported unsavory liberation movements and causes throughout the world, ranging from small opposition movements in sub-Saharan Africa to the Irish Republican Army.
同时,他在全世界范围内支持和引发一些令人生厌的解放运动,例如撒哈拉以南非洲的小股反对势力和爱尔兰共和军。 - But even then, you need to remain aware of what's going on with the finances so there are no unsavory surprises.