

英 [ˈwɪndəʊ]

美 [ˈwɪndoʊ]

n.  窗; 窗户; 窗口; 窗玻璃; (计算机屏幕的)窗口,视窗; 墙上(或信封等上)开的窗形的口; 透明窗口



Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.517 / COCA.607



      fly/go out (of) the window
    • 化为乌有;消失殆尽
      to stop existing; to disappear completely
    • As soon as the kids arrived, order went out of the window.



      • 窗;窗户;窗口;窗玻璃
        an opening in the wall or roof of a building, car, etc., usually covered with glass, that allows light and air to come in and people to see out; the glass in a window
        1. I saw the dress I wanted in the window .
        2. a window display
      • 窗;窗户;窗口;窗玻璃
        an opening in the wall or roof of a building, car, etc., usually covered with glass, that allows light and air to come in and people to see out; the glass in a window
        1. I saw the dress I wanted in the window .
        2. a window display
      • (计算机屏幕的)窗口,视窗
        an area within a frame on a computer screen, in which a particular program is operating or in which information of a particular type is shown
        1. to create/open a window
          建立 / 打开窗口
      • 墙上(或信封等上)开的窗形的口;透明窗口
        a small area of sth that you can see through, for example to talk to sb or read sth on the other side
        1. There was a long line of people at the box-office window.
        2. The address must be clearly visible through the window of the envelope.
      • 了解信息的渠道;窗口
        a way of seeing and learning about sth
        1. Television is a sort of window on the world .
        2. It gave me an intriguing window into the way people live.
      • 一丝机会;短暂的时机
        a time when there is an opportunity to do sth, although it may not last long
        1. We now have a small window of opportunity in which to make our views known.


      • N-COUNT 窗;窗户
        Awindowis a space in the wall of a building or in the side of a vehicle, which has glass in it so that light can come in and you can see out.
        1. He stood at the window, moodily staring out...
        2. The room felt very hot and she wondered why someone did not open a window...
        3. ...my car window.
      • N-COUNT (商店的)玻璃橱窗,陈列窗
        Awindowis a large piece of glass along the front of a shop, behind which some of the goods that the shop sells are displayed.
        1. I stood for a few moments in front of the nearest shop window.
      • N-COUNT (银行、邮局、火车站、博物馆等处柜台的)窗口
        Awindowis a glass-covered opening above a counter, for example in a bank, post office, railway station, or museum, which the person serving you sits behind.
        1. The woman at the ticket window told me that the admission fee was $17.50.
      • 窗口;视窗
        On a computer screen, awindowis one of the work areas that the screen can be divided into.
        1. N-COUNT (日程安排等中的)空当,空隙
          If you have awindowin your diary for something, or if you can make awindowfor it, you are free at a particular time and can do it then.
          1. Tell her I've got a window in my diary later on this week.
        2. See also:French windowpicture windowrose window
        3. PHRASE 消失殆尽;烟消云散;化为乌有
          If you say that something such as a plan or a particular way of thinking or behavinghas gone out of the windoworhas flown out of the window, you mean that it has disappeared completely.
          1. By now all logic had gone out of the window...
          2. When he went, our happiness and our security flew out of the window.
        4. PHRASE 转瞬即逝的机会;稍纵即逝的机会
          If you say that there is awindow of opportunityfor something, you mean that there is an opportunity to do something but that this opportunity will only last for a short time and so it needs to be taken advantage of quickly.
          1. The king said there was now a window of opportunity for peace.



        • a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air
          1. a transparent opening in a vehicle that allow vision out of the sides or back
            1. a transparent panel (as of an envelope) inserted in an otherwise opaque material
              1. (computer science) a rectangular part of a computer screen that contains a display different from the rest of the screen
                1. an opening in a wall or screen that admits light and air and through which customers can be served
                  1. he stuck his head in the window
                2. a pane of glass in a window
                  1. the ball shattered the window
                3. an opening that resembles a window in appearance or function
                  1. he could see them through a window in the trees
                4. the time period that is considered best for starting or finishing something
                  1. the expanded window will give us time to catch the thieves
                  2. they had a window of less than an hour when an attack would have succeeded


                • When he went, our happiness and our security flew out of the window.
                • The window sashes were missing, the doors hung open, or were gone altogether
                • Thick chipboard across the window frames blocked out the daylight
                • I saw her sitting at a window table, bathed in sunlight.
                • She had climbed onto the ledge outside his window.
                • She saw a hideous face at the window and screamed.
                • By now all logic had gone out of the window
                • He started winding the window up but I grabbed the door and opened it.
                • He went on staring out of the window
                • He stood at the window, moodily staring out